
I think I hate my fiance what should I do?

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My fiance and I have been together for 3 years and have 1 child together he is 20 months old but lately I really dont like him I feel like I have a hatred thats built inside me and when ever his around me I have an over whelming feeling of resentment its like when we met he ws perfect and we got along great but then the more vulnerable i was like during my time of pregnancy the more horrible and controlling he got i saw another side to him he would threaten to cheat on me or he would start arguements with me i was in a high risk pregnancy so i was in hospital every week for check ups one night i had to stay in hospital after just recieving stitches as my cervix was not holding he was at home looking at girls on hi 5 and watching p**n that hurt me i felt like during this time of need he was not even sparing me a thought more concerned with jerking off! Any time i would want to see friends or go out he'd threaten to leave me he did leave me a couple times when our son was just 7 months old and i also have another son from a past relationship who is 7 years old with cerebral palsy so i could not go out as both children are not walking he called me names and treated my bad when we was supposed to be gtting married he cancled are wedding and made me look a total fool. And now i am trying to work things out with him but in all honesty I dont really like him as a person. I dont no what to do I keep telling myself maybe he will change back to the person i met maybe i will grow to love him again maybe the feelings have just worn down with time. But it feels like it's more then thatI have not gone to a club for 2 years I have not seen any friends for 3 months and even when my mum calls he complains and ask what she wants even though i have him and my children i feel so alone I miss my family and friends no one visits me when his around cause he makes them feel unwelcom, I think his possessive and controlling but i dont no if i am right or just exagerating?




  1. What a JERK sometime i hate my husband 2 be this is crazy go bac home leave him maybe he'll wake up OMG he's such a a** hole make me want to come over and kick his azz GRRRRRRRRRR

  2. Hey gal this is horrible,why dont u move out for a while a monthor 2 to think it out en him too will come to his sences if you still want to stay then pray for him if you believe in prayers,hope he can change but give him time

  3. i would get out now before you go through with getting married and all the legal billls and c**p and i would nt want to leave to go for 5 min and leave my children with him if he treats and talks to me and it should tell you something when your own family wont come around or your friends because he is around you only have one famlly and men like that you dont need your famliy will be there when he wont and it hurts your friends and famly to see you treated like that but you have to say no more im worth more then that

  4. It's a sad situation that you're in. The sad part is that you already know what you should do because it's deep down inside your gut feelings. Listen, I usually recommend counseling because there's a child in common, but I'm not going to do that this time. You two are together 3 years and he did not marry you yet? Don't expect him to any time soon if at all. Your family doesn't come over because they're sick of him already. He is supposed to bring the kids over to your mom & to family members so they could enjoy them. You two should be doing the family thing together by now. How can you? You don't even like him! Does he treat your older son well? Time is gonna go by so fast with you & with your kids growing up. You're still gonna be in the same situation. You will wonder why did you wait so long. You'll regret all the wasted years and all the wasted opportunities you passed by. Meanwhile they'll be Nothing changed. This is called "Doing the same things over & over and expecting a different result."

    Put your foot down now and if he refuses, get help from the courts. Call your family & friends for support. Save yourself some of your years. Your children deserve it. Good luck.

  5. leave this bugger as soon as possible or u will be in problem with ur child

  6. You have very good reasons to dislike him.  Don't marry him that's for sure.   Leave him.

  7. You need to get out now! This guy sound like he is very insecure, and is trying to control you because he is insecure. If you stay with him you will only have a life full of unhappiness, I know the first step will be the hardest to taken but you are a strong person and you can do it.You have your two children to think of you don't want then to be brought up around a person like him  

  8. i suggest if you have all these issues now you don't get married.  Trust me don't go away, and unlike being single, once you are married you just can't pick up and walk away.

  9. I couldn't even finish reading what you wrote, because I cannot ready something so sick when there is a child involved!

    If you marry that complete failure, loser, a***e, idiot whatever else I could call him, then that's what you are!  Get that creature out of your life and away from your child immediately.  Why do you think you have to let somebody treat you like that.  Don't you have some pride and dignity?  Don't you know what you want and how to get it?  Well you better now, because you have a child!


  10. very simple dont marry ur fiance and kill ur sons

  11. I can tell you now that he will not change.  This is how he is and I am sure under pressures of being a dad of two children he has become even more resentful of you, the kids and the entire situation and will only get worse.  If you do not like him, your family does not like him, then think of your children.  Do not allow them to be brought up in an environment like this.  If you are unsure of your feelings, then trust those of your family and get out of this situation for your sake and that of your children.  If he has treated you badly, he will treat the kids badly.  I divorced my husband due to abuse that started after we married and only escalated.  After we had a son I realized I could not bring him up in this environment.  I paid $5000 of my husband's debts and agreed to no alimony or child support so I could have sole custody.  I raised my son by myself without any other support.  It was the best thing I ever did and my son has always been grateful to me.  You and your children deserve a better life and getting him out of your life will only make things better for all of you and the rest of your family too.  You need your family in your life and so do your children. Tell your family that you are leaving him and get their help and support.  You can do this.

  12.          I am a man and I really feel for you. I don't know he seems very difficult to deal with. but you need to sit him down and talk to hi, if he can't be reasonable he is no good you must be respected. You need a life too. If you can not have friends over then iit is his responsibility to take care of the children when you go out with them. My gf does not have many friends but I love when they come over for I get chill time and she is so happy and seems like she loves me more for it. he chose you and now must be a man and deal with it. If not you need to move on. Being alone is better then being with an a*****e. If he wants control tell him to get a dog!!

    You know though I expect my gf to listen to me when I don't like something. (and she does) but I listen to her when she does not like something too. A relationship works 2 ways not oneway

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