
I think I have ADHD what do you think?

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I can never concentrate. I never finish my homework because I get distracted too easily and I CANNOT stop moving my feet and hand I ALWAYS have to be doing something. I never stop talking and I can't go to the movie theater without moving seats every 2 minutes.

do you think I have ADHD?

how do I get my mom to get me and appt. @ the doctor




  1. I have ADHD, so do u

  2. huh? What? uh huh

  3. You dont have to get your mum to make the appointment - you can do it yourself you are well within your rights to go to see a doc with or without your mothers company or permission. If you are wondering how to break it to her that you think you might have ADHD and want to see a doc about it then well if you are the way you describe all the time then maybe she thinks you have it also and will be glad to help you get help. If this is not the case and you want to make the appointment secretly then there might be a drop in clinic for young people somewhere in town and they can help you from there.

    By the way you wouldnt be forced to take meds. Isnt it better to have the option and somewhere to go for help and answers then to keep worrying about it or have limited options to help yourself?

    Good Luck

  4. well i have ADHD and i feel the same way, but i would not suggest going to a doctor cuz they cant help you anyway. Dont go to a psychologist either. I would not worry about it because there arent any medications that can actually fix this. Most likely they will just put you on meds that make you feel like a zombie. Most likely you will just grow out of it.

  5. u move seats?  or you cant watch the movie through completely?  

    Just relax.   ADHD is used as a crutch now, just relax. its all mental.  

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