
I think I have Bladder problems???

by  |  earlier

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Is it healthy to always be going to the bathroom??

I literally go every 10 - 15 minutes???

Please help... thanks in advance.




  1. Go and see your doc you might have an infectin.

  2. No, it's not healthy and it indicates a problem that needs some help. Since you say it's always like this, I presume you have something like overactive bladder.

    Over active bladder is made worse by going to the bathroom so often because your bladder learns not to wait. The problems get worse over time unless you change your toileting habits.

    You also might have a very sensitive bladder. To find out if that's the case, eliminate caffeine, alcohol, choclate and ALL the acidic fruits and juices out of your diet for 3 full days. If after 3 days you don't have to go to the bathroom so often, you know that diet changes will help you.

    If you will also learn to use Mind Over Bladder techniques to retrain the bladder, your problems should resolve.

    Hope this helps,

  3. i was told that cranberry juice is really good if you have a weak bladder, and try drinking more water to strengthen your bladder, and when you need the toilet always go - never hold it in because that will just make it worse

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