
I think I have Ulcerative colitis?

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For years (since about when I was maybe 14,15) I have been having symptoms that I first thought was a stomach ulcer but the blood was too fresh. Then I get these periods of just intense enough cramping to not knock me out but making it difficult to do my daily tasks.

I bleed (about twice a year if that)

I get cramps all the time, I take gas pills and that usually works

It comes and goes

I have urges to go but usually I don't have a bowel movement

I don't usually get diarrhea, but it has happened along side the symptoms. Usually when I bleed I have a pretty good bowel movement, but the times before that were difficult with no results.




  1. Could be irritable bowel syndrome. You should see a gastroenterologist to diagnose your symptoms.

    It also could be something so simple as a food allergy or sensitivity.

    Good luck.

  2. please see a Dr it sounds like you may have DIVERTICULITIS, not just  ulcerative colitis.  Watch if this occurs if you eat peanuts or nuts.  this does not occur until you are in your late 30's and i don't know how old you are.  Is the blood in your stool streaked,, bright red? I would need to know more to make a better diagnosis. do you have diarrhea? or just blood in your hard stool? sorry but without more info I cant answer with certainty. i would see a Dr.

  3. Sounds like IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    You need to see a gastroenterologist & possibly have a colonoscopy.

    Google:  mayo clinic>>diseases>>ulcerative colitis


    Good luck

  4. You need to have your doctor refer you to a gastroenterologist (sp?) and they will have to do a colonoscopy.  This procedure will allow the specialist to determine if you have crohns, colitis, ibs/ibd or divrodiculitis (sp?).  

    Take it from someone who has been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis for 5 years (and should have been diagnosed earlier) - you need to have a diagnosis!!!

    All of your symptoms are common to those of ANY gastric-disease OR condition.  It could be any of them and that is why you need to see a specialist and have a diagnosis.  Gastric-diseases and conditions can range from extremes of constipation to diarrhea to a combination of both.  You can have mild to severe symptoms as well.  

    Here is the important, REAL (and scary) thing.  If you let these symptoms continue without having a proper diagnosis your likelihood of getting cancer increases.  Just having Ulcerative Colitis gives me about an 8-10% higher chance of getting colon cancer than the average person.  I take medication everyday that maintains my colitis and has no side effects (except good ones).  These simple medications actually help to prevent people with gastric diseases from getting cancer.  The more you allow your colon to bleed the higher your chance of  it getting worse.  You don't want that!

    Had I caught my symptoms earlier my colon would not be as diseased as it is.  I regret not going to the doctor earlier.  Please please please see a specialist!!    

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