
I think I have a fear of cemeteries. I don't know how to overcome it. Please help!?

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I think I have a fear of cemeteries. Please help me overcome this fear!




  1. You fear it because you don't understand it.

    Learn to understand it, then you won't fear it.

    People always fear the unknown, until they come to understand it.

    Once they understand it, they might even come to enjoy it.

    Not saying that you should enjoy the cemeteries, but... you get the point right?

  2. May be it is because of the movies you have seen.But they  are just films.

    Death is a part of our lives & no one can escape from that.But those people who have not harm others are not that afraid of this  unknown part of life.Just try to help others whenever you could & accept  your life as it is.

    I think the dead are less fearful than alive people!

    Good luck

  3. What exactly frightens you about them??  I live just around the corner from one and I take my children for walks in the cemetary often.  It is a very peaceful and beautiful place.  Maybe if you went to a very beautiful one during daylight hours with a couple of friends just to look around.  I often think of it as a little history lesson for my talk about the way things were 'back then'....Please though, go to a nice one where there is a lot of up keep involved on the cemetary grounds, where people bring many flowers to their loved is very peaceful, not the least bit scary.  Much luck.

  4. Well, think about why you are afraid of them,

    are you scared of going in/through them or even near to them?

    Also just think, "there is nothing to be scared of" because in reality there is nothing to be scared of, they are basically fields of gardens with pretty stone heads in them which are there to remember loved ones.

    If you are scared because you think people are buried underneath the ground or that there might be "ghosts" then just forget that idea. In some cemeteries there probably are people underneath but they are dead and buried! with probably nothing left of them at all. So there is nothing to be scared of.

    When i was really young i was frightened of them so much but now that im older (17) they don't bother me one bit.

    Basically it depends how old you are; child, teen or adult as to whether you will fully get over it or not.

    Finally, i dont consider it as a problem that you are scared of cemeteries, loads of people are!

    Hope this helps :):)

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