
I think I have a problem...

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I liked being depressed... I kind of miss it... Is that a severe problem? Or am I just weird?




  1. I don't think that you are weird.Maybe you just like feeling that way.I sometimes like to be sad or depressed.You might want to get that checked out at the doctor though.I believe that you do have depression.I hope that I helped.GOD BLESS you!

  2. you just like to feel sorry for yourself.  pathetic.

  3. ur emo get help

  4. Arrgghh dont worry your just a the glass is half empty, anyway thinking like this is sometimes ok cause anything good that happens is a bonus.

  5. you might just be weird but you should go to a sociologist to be sure your not mentally ill.

  6. dude, you're weird

  7. Ignore the previous posters, your not a freak or anything, you probably just got used to being depresses, and used to the lifestyle it gave you, so your having a hard time adjusting. Just give it some time, and if you still feel the same way, then see a psychologist.  

  8. If you got alot of attention for being depressed than you do now then that may be why.

  9. I've been depressed before - not just the blues but a real depression - and coming out of it is scary.  You want to feel great, but you don't want to spend the times you feel great wondering when the next depression is going to hit.  You think really perky, fun, sanguine people are fake and annoying.  For me, it was the heightened sense of awareness and intution I felt when depressed.  When I got better, that went away.  It does not logically make sense, but that's what happened.  Being depressed effects your senses and in my case heightened some of them.  You could be in a bit of withdrawal because of the changes in your hormonal system as you get well and you may be missing some of the "perks" if you could call them that of being down.  Don't worry. Keep on your path to good mental health and you will get over missing it.  It takes a long time to climb out of the hole physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Even when you start to feel great, changes are still taking place in your body and are affecting you. You are not weird at all.  Just another normal human being with emotions.  

  10. thats an interesting situation ,but not a problem, i see what ur saying and you can like the depth of that feeling, or the intensity of it.I can see how it would be confusing,some people like actual pain,you sound like a poet.Good 4 u i say.but dont pursue depression, you may be capable of appreciating  many states of mind,this is  not a weakness or a problem and may enable you to help of luck.

  11. Ur Emo.

  12. I think it's a problem and I also think that you are perhaps a little bit weird.

  13. everyone misses everything so build a bridge and get over it

  14. It's not a problem, you just need to open your eyes and stop liking the feeling of feeling sorry for yourself. Grow up.

  15. Maybe you were just used to being depressed so you became comfortable with it.  Change is really hard in any aspect of life in my opinion.  

    I don't think you are weird you just have to get used to not being depressed.

  16. I don't think it's pathetic... and it was mean of that person to label you as such. I used to be depressed as well, but I've gotten it sorted out as well as I can...but I admit to missing it sometimes too, not just because I think a little self-indulgence and painful emotions can be a good thing, but also because I felt like I was so much more creative back then. It felt like my life sucked overall, but my writing was so much better and less inhibited.

    That being said... I'm happier now, and you can be too :)

  17. This kind of happened to me. Like when I was depressed, It was probably the most intense feeling i've ever had. And now, I feel, well, emotionally numb. There have been times when I wish I could go back to that emotional instability, rather than living in blankness. Its hard to explain. There's also a lot of realization i came thro when depressed, like i saw the truth in everything i felt, aand even though it was bad, maybe its better than confusion.  


  19. Why do you like being depressed? Did you get lots of attention when you were depressed and people were worrying about you? or did you just like the feeling or something? Whatever it is or if you're worried then see your GP or talk to someone.

  20. You might like attention lol!

    But you might have like on eof those depress disaeses lol jk prob not ttyl


    Try this self-check.

  22. I think I know what you mean. Its not necessarily depression you miss.

    Its more like a profound feeling, like you're infinite, in a weird way and it feels good but it feels bad too.

    Is it like that? I get like that. Sorry if I'm way off

    oh but yeah, I have struggled with depression, and when I was trying to get over it, I almost felt like without it I wouldnt be me. And most of me didn't want to change. Its because its been with you for so long that you begin to think that it IS you. But its not.

    I wouldn't worry about this, I would just try to keep your head above water, and not get to pessimistic!

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