
I think I have an addiction??

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Ever since a couple years ago I have been addicted with looking at pictures of nudity, some films and etc and s*x( not actually doing it but talking about it and asking questions). I dont know if I'm jus addicted or something but is there a way to stop myself from viewing this stuff.




  1. try doing other stuff..... try not to think about it, but it's necessarily a bad thing lol...if your a guy

  2. Umm, you're a teenage guy, right? That kind of behavior is so usual that nearly every guy does it.

    I'm not really sure why you want to stop. A healthy interest in s*x is perfectly natural. As you get older, and you have more fulfilling relationships, the desire will probably diminish.

    But having said all that, if you really consider this a problem, you should seek help with a trusted adult. A clergyman, a counselor, or an older relative you're sure you can trust might help give you the strength you need to exercise more self control. A great many people find strength in prayer and spirituality; maybe that would work for you.

    Finally, there is one thing I can think of that would go a long way toward reducing this behavior. Find yourself a girlfriend. Trust me, you'll want to do it less, especially if she's around.

    Okay, you're a girl! That really doesn't change anything, except that society expects this type of behavior more from boys than girls. But all my advice holds up, really. Just make whatever adjustments are needed based on your gender.

  3. Dear Nat,

    as paul says correctly it isnot worth it and it bad surely is..

    But I am a senior and at 55 yrs and male, therefore from my life and experience., this s the following i have to say:

    01. One need not pay attention to the addictive behaviour of it.

    Your self is watching your mind and feeling that it is getting addicted.

    You tell your mind it is to be ignored.

    02. It isnatural for human beings to have a fantasy and a joy out of it.

    It is healthy if it is for a  short time.But if occupies the mind disturbing otherwork and routine then it is obsession and it may cause Addicition. Normally thse are for some periods of life.

    03. Consult openly your own gender friends and avoid getting hooked onto Homo Addicts.

    04. Take over new learning routines , like learn guitar, driving, so that your mind gets a newer direction.

    05. Go play Go meet your friends. U will feel OK

    06. U have to realise that s*x gives 3 minutes joy after days and hours of thinking, wasting energy, and preparations.

    But loving all and serving all, gives a joy that cannot go away!!


    this joy stays and stayed for me for the past 30 yrs of my life.

    wishing u all the best,


    param of

  4. it fine, as long as u are not hurting any one.... its just a hobby for u

  5. An addiction is something that interferes with your life in a negative way. Is this habit affecting your performance at work or school or costing you friends or other relationships?  It is normal for both men and women to be interested in pornography and talking about sexual matters. Teenagers especially tend to become obsessed about such topics, and this is actually only natural. From what you state here, there isn't anything objectively wrong or abnormal with you.

    It's actually a positive thing that your "addiction" as you term it is not to s*x itself, as this poses many REAL concrete health risks and promiscuity tends to have a negative emotional impact on those who engage in it.

    Society has many assumptions about sexuality being "dirty" etc. Look at how most people responding assumed that it couldn't be a girl asking this question. Women aren't "supposed" to be as interested in s*x as men. I've known guys who would BRAG about being deeply into the things you describe and be considered typical.

    The bottom line is this is not objectively bad. However, it bothers you, and that means that you should take steps to make yourself feel more comfortable with your behavior or else decrease it. If you want to distract yourself from p**n and sexual thoughts, there are plenty of ways to do so. Exercise of any kind as well as getting involved in any new activities that engage your mind will help. Keep yourself busy by volunteering or something like that---that will keep you away from computers and TVs that easily allow you to view nudity.

    But it may just be that your hormones are just going to hijack your brain for a while. It doesn't make you "addicted" any more than much of the population. Just don't act out on all your fantasies.

    Either way, you're not a freak.


  6. You need strong will power and motivation.  See if you can slowly eliminate it.   create a schedule where you will avoid it every other day now you can view it all you want 3 to 4 days a week.  see how that goes for about two weeks then take another day away same thing now your down to about 2-3 times week same thing after about 2 weeks take another day away.  Keep doing this process until  you have no more days left.  then jump to one day every other week and so forth.  Its a start.  If you can fill up your time with a hobby or something it will help to.  go for a walk, hang out with friends or even buy a game like the sims.  worse comes to worse seek help from recovery connection.

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