
I think I have an addiction (seriously!!!)?

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I'm like seriously addicted to Golden Oreo Cookies! My Granmother often buys them and i've gotten to the point where I have to tell myself only eat 4 or 5. I can literally eat half of the container in one night! But she won't stop buying them because i'm vegan and she doesn't think I weight enough and she knows i'll eat them!! My mom even taunts me into eating them even though she knows I can't resist them! How can I stop this addiction, find away to stop eating them, and how can I make them understand how hard this is for me?!?!




  1. Are they even vegan.  I was looking at a box a while back and the recipe had modified milk ingredients.  If they are it would be enough that I was ingesting that much artificial ingredient.

  2. There is probably hydrogenated vegetable oil used, too, especially in the "creme filling".  Maybe they don't say that anymore in the ingredients, but if they say "palm oil", it is probably hydrogenated; they just don't have to say it anymore, thanks to restrictions and standards removed in the industry.

      To grow palm oil they have to clear even more of the rainforest, and it is happening at an alarming rate because of all the cheap munchies we buy, which are often much cheaper than most good foods. That is why poor people are often so fat...

    It is best to avoid all that c**p and substitute fruit, or something more unadulterated...

    Hydrogenated Vegetable oil is "Trans fat", too. by the way and may prove to be one of the leading sources of colon cancer....

  3. I know exactly how you feel.  I'm addicted to Twizzler's brown licorice.  My family laughs at me...but I'm really addicted.  I was at Wal-Mart today and it was on sale for 88 cents!  I had to walk by that bin REALLY fast so I wouldn't buy any.

    I have had enough of my addiction.  I could eat a whole bag in one night!  I would feel so guilty after eating I finally have put my foot down.  I just imagine that guilt feeling when I "crave" it and I don't want it anymore.  

    I can't imagine how hard it would be if it were around me all the time like the Oreos are around you.  You just need to make up your mind you're going to quit and don't even have one - or you'll indulge and eat 1/2 the package.  Or maybe you should just throw them all away......I mean, yes I know that's wasteful but then maybe your grandma will stop buying them......  

    Tomorrow it will be 7 days since I've had any steps!  Good luck to you!

  4. * Bring a bottle of water with you, that usually stops cravings for anything, so always bring a bottle of water with you in a bakery or friends house or at home when the cookies are out. Herbal tea also helps.

    * Eat other foods that you really like so you can get full, and won't worry about the oreos.

    * Know that when a craving hits, wait 10 minutes. Do something else. A good habit to get into is to take a walk instead of eating cookies. If, after 10 minutes, you still want oreos, gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash or brush your teeth. The aftertaste doesn't mix well with sweets and you'll probably lose your craving quickly.

    Also, go to this site to help overcome a food addiction

    Edit : Ahhh, so they are vegan, then do everything else! :) When your grandma brings them over, just drink water, herbal tea, get your mind off it some how.

  5. Food cravings can arise from an unbalanced diet. Unfortunately, the craved food is not necessarily what the body needs.

    If your relatives think you are underweight, you may well be. Try relaxing your vegan diet and eating a much broader spectrum of foods. By all means take a complete vitamin and mineral supplement. And remember than anything in excess, including strong restrictions on what you eat, are not good.

  6. Tell your grandmother that this is not the healthy way to gain weight.

    Look at these ingredients!


    High fructose corn syrup, palm oil, artificial flavour, etc.!!

    The only thing that will work is to tell your gran to stop buying these, or you could just stay away, and use will power.

    Good luck!

  7. Why are you so easily addicted to these? Look, I've never understood the Vegan diet, it's not natural. If you feel that strongly for animals, it's your choice. But you have to wonder why your mother and grandmother are both willing to let you eat lots of cookies. Obviously they don't see your diet as healthy. Maybe you need to look at your current diet and make sure you're not missing something important in your diet already. If you can figure that out and demonstrate an improvement you won't face as much resistance to a vegan diet.

    Oh, and "Thunder", you're a bit over zealous if you ask me. While you may not like farming, you can hardly call it rape. Nobody is violating the chickens, they lay eggs all on their own.

  8. Lovingly educate your grandmother and mother into the ingredients in Oreos: not healthy, high in fructose.  Lovingly request that your vegan choice be respected; very important that education and respect go hand in hand.  Even if they don't stop taunting you with Oreos, substitute your cravings with something else that is healthier; maybe you're getting addicted to sugar which is a common problem in young people; kids eat the icing on every muffin--that's terribly bad.  Make sure you're taking vitamin supplements to ensure you're receiving a healthy dose of minerals, calcium, and B vitamins.  You've made a good choice to follow a vegan path, stay the course.  Help them understand that your weight is not equivalent to strength of health.  Go to your doctor to have your annual physical as well.  That should help your family to know you're a healthy person.

  9. it seems to me you have a few options 1 you could try to find a new healthier craze 2 you could tell them to stop and get really angry or 3 it takes 21 days to break a record buy a calender and mark off the days

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