
I think I have an iron defienciency, what can I eat to fix this??

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I think I have an iron defienciency, what can I eat to fix this??




  1. I think it is called red meat.

         Debbie O

  2. ive always heard meat.. hamburger, steak.

  3. raw spinich...take vitamins


  5. First confirm it with a doctor.  Green leafy veggies have a good amount of iron and so do many fortified cereals.

  6. Drink Guinness

  7. green veggies

    you can also buy a over the counter pill called ferro siquil ( I think that is how it is spelled) it comes in a small green box , just read the directions , if you take too many you can get constipated  

  8. iron pills- liver- brocolli...

  9. I have been iron deficiant the past five years due to heavey menstral cycle.  To be sure you should gt ur doc and have a quick and painless blood test.  Symptoms include tiredness, diziness hairloss and a lot of other annyoying things.  I eat two steaks per week which are very high in iron.  In addition dark green leafy vegetables like spinach (yuck) or greans (yummy) are also VERY high in iron.  I would also reccomend taking iron supplememnets once per day but be sure to drink it with some vitamin C (OJ) or else it wont get obserobered into your system as well.  the iron supplements gave me constipation so be sure to eat things high in fiber like prunes or spinach to avaoid hemroids.  I would encourage you to manage this before it gets out of hand because if your anemia gets bad enough they may have to give you a blood transfusion, which trust me is very scary.....


  10. Click on the link below for a list of iron rich foods.

    Also ask your doctor about this so they can monitor your iron levels.

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