
I think I have another UTI? 5 Months Pregnant?

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So a few months back I had a UTI - I have been drinking a LOT of water but I think I have another. I was always prone to bladder infections even when I wasnt pregnant. I have an appointment on Monday, should I wait until then? Does two UTI's cause any damage to my baby? Could two UTI's mean that its another kind of infection?

Concerned mom, 20.5 week prego with a baby girl




  1. You shouldnt worry so much - thats not good for the baby!

    Its common to get UTI's whilst pregnant, im sure you GP or pharmacist can recommend something to help you get rid of it without harming you baby.

    If you are concerned call your midwife - thats what she is there for

    Good luck and congratulations


  2. Get some cranberry juice - 100% juice - not the 'cocktail' kind that is loaded with high fructose corn syrup and mixed with other juices.  Keep drinking it and stay near the toilet !  You'll flush it out.  I have a friend who got UTIs all through her pregnancy and never took antibiotics for them.  Just had to keep drinking a lot of cranberry juice and water!  (And did a lot of reading in the bathroom!) She now has 3 healthy, beautiful, intelligent children.  

    AND - another thing to think about:  I got UTIs all the time after I first got married.  Then I started taking a quick shower after EVERY time I was intimate with my husband.  Ever since I started washing with soap EVERY time afterwards, I haven't gotten one (and we've now been married 8 years).

  3. Of course see the doctor asap, but cranberry juice, cranberry juice, cranberry juice

  4. You can find cranberry pills at any pharmacy take them.  Take one more of them than the package says, it should go away this week with lots of water drinking.  Have your partner take the pills too!  Good luck... It should not harm the baby, UTI and yeast infections are very common in pregnant women... Oh No thongs... back to the old granny panties.

  5. No, you should not wait.  You want to call your doctor right away.  Keep drinking the water and 100% cranberry juice.  

  6. The best thing you can do is take cranberry capsules and drink lots of water.  It is possible that you are getting re-infected by your partner.  Your partner needs to take the cranberry capsules as well.  Also it is important and rarely stated, but when you go to the bathroom, you must always wipe front to back - keeping any germs away from your urethra opening.  Waiting until Monday will be fine.  Hopefully you won't need to see your doctor for the UTI by then because it will be gone just with the cranberry.  Higher the potency, the better.

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