
I think I have depression. Who can I talk to?

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I've told my mother and she discounted. I would feel uncomfortable talking to my dad about it because I'm not as close with him. There are three counselors at my school & one of them I talked to about it once. The other knows my parents & I'm afraid she might tell them I'm depressed. Should I talk to one of the counselors? I don't usually see my doctor and I doubt my mom would take me to the doctor's. I don't see my gynecologist until a few months from now.




  1. I suggest you continue to see your counselor, or maybe go to a therapist.  Your parents need to understand that it's actually quite common for kids to have depression.  Do whatever is in your best interest, not someone elses.  Maybe even see your primary physician about it.  That's what I did, and now I'm on Zoloft and I'm feeling better than when I was not on it.

  2. We all feel a bit down from time to time, so distinguishing between normal mood changes and depression is not always easy for a depressed person or their family and friends.

    GPs, by contrast, have years of experience and practice in recognising true depression and are a valuable resource in treating it.

    In fact, 90 per cent of depressed people are successfully treated by their GP alone and do not need the help of a specialist.

    GPs have many therapeutic approaches to draw upon. Today, most people with depression are soon on their way to recovery within days of making their first appointment.

    In cases of mild depression arising out of stress or social problems, just talking to your  GP and sharingyour feelings with them can prove enormously rewarding.

    Realising you are not alone and not reacting in an inappropriate way is very heartening. Above all, the GP can listen without judgment or criticism, something which friends and relatives cannot always manage because they are 'too close' or involved in the problem themselves.

    If your depression is more persistent or associated with chronic social problems, such as alcohol abuse....., other forms of psychological treatment may be needed.

    Start today !Overcoming depression begins with talking about your feelings and seeking help - and that means seeing your GP. Remember you are not alone; you need not feel guilty or incapable, and with the right help you will soon recover.

    You can l**k this problem, but you need your GP support in order to do so.

    Good luck.

    Best wishes,


  3. i think if itz really that serious u should sit ur mom dwn nd tell her it iz serious tell her watz on your mind. a mom will always b there 4 her child no matter wat

    p.s.i hope u fill better

  4. u can talk to me on IM

  5. You should try a exercise program that you can involved in and reduce any stress in your life. I practice Karate and do meditation, it benefits me my total mind and body. Good luck.

  6. To be honest, counseling can help, but its no cure.

    I'm being 100% serious. Go attend a Anglican/Penacostal Christian church for a few weeks at the least and see where that takes you. Different environment, and incredibly nice people that will make you feel loved and listen as well as help and if you don't like it after a couple times then feel free to stop going.

    I promise you will feel better

    And this is a 17 year old talking.

  7. Go back to your councilors and tell them its a problem you don't want them to go to your parents with. If that doesn't help, surround yourself with friends until you see your gynecologist. If you've been down for a few months, you might have depression but if its only been for a little while, you might be just down.

    Hopes this helps and stay strong!

  8. Depression is a horrible thing to have and some people don't understand it. Its not the same as feeling sorry for yourself its caused by an imbalance in the chemicals in the brain because you've maybe being having a lot of stress. I think you should talk to your school counsellors because they should understand and even if they talk to your mum it gives you a chance to discuss your feelings with a third party present. Also she'll know you are serious about it. You do need some help. Go and get it. Good luck.

  9. Go to your mother and if that does not work you are right, go see your school councilor. It really does not matter that your mom knows one of the school councilors because councilors have to go by a code of ethics which means, they can not tell ANYONE what you say unless they feel you tell them you feel as though you want to harm yourself or someone else. or they can and will lose their jobs if they do.Make sure someone listens to you. We as parents need to understand TEEN DEPRESSION is VERY REAL! WE NEED TO LISTEN! this upsets me so!. I wish you the best! I also say DO NOT STOP SEEKING HELP!

  10. you've already told your mother yourself how your feeling, so it shouldn't matter if one of the counselor's you spoke with knows her and would tell her (which would be an ethical violation btw). besides, don't try to hide it, it will only make you feel guilty for feeling depressed in the first place. you need to be able to talk about it, deal with the source so that you can move on.

  11. Yes, go see one of the counselors. Maybe if you do go to the counselor your parents know, then they could talk to your parents and make them see that you want help. Good luck.

  12. If you think you're depressed, you probably are. While lots of people get the blues for short periods of time, if someone is worried enough to look for help that is a big sign in my industry that he or she needs help. Everyone expects teenagers to be moody so it's easy to assume that feeling a little blue is just normal. Remember your mom can't see inside your head and heart, so it's hard for her to really understand how much you may be hurting.

    You need to talk to someone who will help you understand the level of depression your experiencing and how to talk to your mom about it in a way that she will listen to. If the first counselor you spoke to was supportive s/he might be able to give you the shoulder you need to lean on while you figure this out. The counselor that knows your parents might be a good choice too because she will be able to help you tailor your approach to them. Know this, if she speaks to your parents without your permission and she does not fear for your life, she is breaking the law.

    You might also want to try some internet research as there are a lot of free help lines out there for teenagers.

    If at any time you think about hurting yourself please tell your mom or anyone who can get you to a doctor immediately. While depression ranges in severity, it can be a deadly disease.

    I really hope you find someone to talk to who understands and supports you. The fact that you're looking for help is a very good sign. Don't give up - someone will help you figure out how to bring your mom around and get you the level of help you need.

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