
I think I have dyslexia?

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I was talking to a group of friends about an experience I had earlier today. I 'm taking an English presentation skills course. I have excellent writing skills, and my first language is English.... but, when I read aloud I studder and shake, and everyone says I speak very fast. I mix up the begining and end of words, and adjust sentences as I speak. I don't know the exact diagnosis of dyslexia... but there's something wrong. This course isn't fixing it. I still can't read aloud (I always mess up, confuse words, and hurt my voice) Just a while a go, I was reading a childrens book to see if it was true. It was only 52 pages long. It took me a good 40 mins to read each sentence properly. I can read in my head much quicker.




  1. What you have described is NOT dyslexia. What you have described sounds like one of several common communication disorders that can be related to a stressful situation. Here is a link regarding the clinical definition of stuttering and explanations of related speaking issues. Perhaps one of these may give you a clue. You can access a speech/language pathologist at your school no matter what education level you are--or ask for a referral from your regular doctor. Most clinic groups have speech/language therapists on staff who can diagnose what is actually happening with your speaking.

    By the way, you are not alone--millions of people have stuttering problems and therapy does help. Best wishes!!

  2. If your still in high school, you're parents should ask for you to be tested for a learning disability.  Once you figure out what the problem is you can learn strategies to deal with the situation and still be successful.

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