
I think I have dyspraxia. But my mom's dyslexic.?

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I flunked algebra so now i'm doing consumer math. Please list symptoms and facts about the disorders.




  1. Did you mean dyscalculia?  Dyspraxia is the inability to perform coordinated movements - disease related.  Dyslexia is a blanket term for lacking basic reading skills.  

    Dyscalculia means you have some kind of mental block for learning math.  The term literally means bad at counting.  For example, you can't make sense of the concept of numbers as mental tools for keeping track of quantities.  You can't understand mathematical relationships, functions, or operations.  

    Flunking algebra is not really a symptom. If you can add, subtract, multiply and divide, you understand operations, numbers and relationships.  You just probably don't understand how algebra works, that it is a way to find what is unknown by using information that is given.  There are many rules that must be learned in mastering algebra, and if you miss a few, your calculations will be wrong.  Often, just missing a few days of instruction can cause you to not get some important rules that you will need to learn another new set of rules.  It has to be taught in a sequence and missing a few of those sequential steps can really mess you up.  Consumer math requires the use of algebra, so if you didn't "get" algebra, you will have trouble doing consumer math.  Consumer math deals with the use of math operations in real world problem solving.  Maybe you'll find it useful and see that math is an important tool for functioning in the real world.

  2. i too have it

    its very slight but when i read, i read things backwards or i mess up the words. also i will read paragrphs over and over before i relize that i am doing it...dont worry it u have it, a lot of people do

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