
I think I have ringworm!?

by  |  earlier

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So I have a little like rash on my leg it's a little bit farther down then my knee and it 's circular with little bumps areound it. It doesn't really itch that much or bother me but I'm worried that it's ringworm. Has anyone one ever had ringworm like this? Is it bad and what can I do to treat it at home?




  1. Ringworm is NOT a worm, so nail polish won't "smother" it.

    All you need is a good athlete's foot cream.  Neosporin will not work, because that is an antibiotic, and ringworm is a fungus.

    Just go and get a generic athlete's foot cream, use it three times a day, and it will be gone in no time.

  2. Sounds like ringworm.  The old wives tale about covering it with clear nail polish does work.  It will keep it sealed of from others and it will "smother" the ringworm.  

  3. yes its ringworms...u just gotta clean it with perixode and noespon and keep it clean dont really touch it..cause if u touch it and itch your nose than u will have it on your nose also..yes its spreadable so be careful if u have any children

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