
I think I have social phobia?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15, and just starting high school. Anyway, I think I may have social phobia, but I am afraid to talk to anyone. Besides my parents, who can I talk to, and will they keep it confidential from my parents (I don't want them to worry)?




  1. You need to tell your parents in order to get the treatment you need to overcome your phobia (it can be done).

  2. Phobia are defined as irrational fears, but to the person suffering from the fear(s) they feel very real indeed.  The fact that you are aware and are reaching out for help here on Yahoo Answers indicates that you are a level headed young adult and looking for ways to resolve this issue. There is no easy answer, but there are options. First, if you find the right way to express your fear to your parents, then they may be more receptive than you might imagine. Second, if you have a church or synagogue, house of worship your family is affiliated with, you can speak with them, third, you can speak with your high school counselor.  Finally, you can search the web for similar phobias and how they were treated.  Feel free to ask me your question if you want to.  I'm pretty good at addressing such things. It is up to you, just trying to help.  Good luck.

  3. i think i have it too.. i used to never shut up.. now you cant get me to talk ever since i started high school.  

  4. why wouldnt you wanna tell ur parents? if you tlk to them then obviously they could help you. i dont think itd kill you.

  5. talk to your parents. starting high school can be a scary transition but starting it with the weight of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) can make it even harder. If you do have it there is a prescription drug and therapy along with social exercises that can help.

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