
I think I just about invented a breakthrough, revolutionary bra...What now??

by Guest10927  |  earlier

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I was home messing around with my bra to make it work better, and started changing stuff... well, I think I just came up with the greatest idea ever. What do I do now? How do I "sell" my invention??




  1. FIRST, get a patent lawyer;they are professional protecting creations.But you don't only what to patent it, you should also get it trademarked.Patent give you Federal Protection of your invention for yourself to do whatever you want with it without any pirate stealing your design for 17 years, and that's it;after that your ex-boy friend can copy it. Trade mark is the logo,word,symbol,drawing you give to your invention to identify it, (For instance, "The Nike sign" It give your invention a HUGE LOT OF VALUE);and that's renewable every 10 years.It's protected by Federal Government as well.  But if I were you,I'll take a glance to the future and build you idea insetad of selling it right away.It will also ADD EVEN MORE VALUE to you invention.Go to Small Business and find you if you qualify for orientation, and even funding for your own business.Hope I helped you...

  2. First you have to get a patent on it Contact the US Patent Service.

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