
I think I just saw a shooting star!!!? Can it be one?

by Guest34403  |  earlier

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I was walking my dog to the corner for a last night potty break, and I was walking out the door and to my...left I saw a streak of light. It didn't look like fireworks or anything that I'e ever seen! It was very beutiful and amazzing!

Could this be a shooting star or what?

I live in Delware. If that helps.

Please tell me! Was it one?




  1. yeah that or an ufo... anyways always remember to make a wish!

  2. It's very possible it was a meteor that you saw. There are several meteor showers peaking around this time of the year. Piscis Austrinids (max july 28th), South Delta Aquarids (max July 28th), Alpha Capricornids (max July 30th), South Iota Aquarids (max Aug 4th), North Delta Aquarids (max Aug 8th), and ofcourse the best of them all Perseids (max Aug 12th). Any of these showers could produce meteors now that can be viewed on a clear night.  

  3. It probably was one.  Shooting stars, which are actually chunks of space rock (meteorites) that burn up as they enter our atmosphere, happen all the time.  During the day they're difficult to see because the light from the sun blocks them out (similar to the stars), but at night you'd probably be able to see several in the span of a few hours.  It's just a matter of being lucky enough to have looked at the right place at the right time.

    And you're right, they are quite lovely to watch.  Camp out on your roof when the sky is clear, and keep your eye out.  You're bound to see a few of them, and the view of the stars is always beautiful.  ;)

  4. It absolutely could be one. Shooting stars have even been visible during the day, though it is quite rare. But the point is, they can happen any time.

    If you've seen one that really dazzled you, that's awesome! I've seen 4 "fireballs" and 2 "point light" meteor that really blew my socks off, though always at night, and it's always quite a treat to see them!

    Any time you're out at night, keep "one eye pointed up", and occasionally you'll get really lucky and see some really spectacular stuff!

  5. You can probably see dozens of meteors if you spend an hour or so watching the night sky around august 12th, during the Perseid meteor shower.  Unfortunately, there will be a nearly full moon this year, unlike last year when it was nearly new.  Still, they should be visible through the glare.

  6. Could have been, sure. We get about one per minute, 24/7. Go outside some dark night, and just lay back on a lawn chair and watch the sky for a while. I guarantee you'll see a few, unless there's a lot of light pollution where you live.

  7. Absolutely!  I live near Las Vegas and if you go out in to the desert in the middle of the night you see meteorites quite often.  Hope this helps.

  8. i have just been lying the garden (yeh i have been out for a couple of large ones) but i was lying looking up and saw two shooting stars. The first was here and gone flashed across the sky really fast and disappeared the second took a little longer it was still no more than a split second but it was enough to realise it was a shooting star. The first was a oh im sure that was a shooting star but it burnt up real quick and wasnt there long enough to say one way or another  

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