
I think I know why Obama wants change!?

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He wants to fund his campaign with change! Seriously though, why does he want to change this country into wild socialist?




  1. It is what Obama IS.

    He is a Marxist / Socialist and wants to turn America into HIS idea of a Socialist utopia.

    Socialism fails every time it is tried. The Europeann Socialists only survive because they permit free enterprise and parasitically leach off the profits to prop up their limited tyrannies.

    Obama cannot honestly take the oath of office if he wins. He has stated he wants to limit 2nd amendment rights along with freedoms of religion and speech. He would only "restrict" those rights, but obviously he thinks dissent poses a threat to his ability to pursue his agenda.

  2. He refused to accept funding for his campaign from lobbyists and interested parties in industry and has now persuaded the party to do the same.  That means that if elected for the first time in American history the president will owe no favours and have no claws in his back!!!

    Who knows what he will do if elected but the world believes that if he is not elected Americas depression, dive into poverty and alienation from the rest of the world will accelerate!!!!

  3. Yes, he is a socialist who wants to change America from a land of freedom to a new version of the USSR utopia.

    When everyone decides to take the free ride, who will be left to push the bus?

    If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free.

    Do we want the morons in government who handled hurricane Katrina and bankrupted social security to handle our health care system?

  4. you started of by claiming that you did know, so why didn't you tell us?

  5. Because he is a radical socialist, neo n**i half-white bum from Chicago, whose father abandoned him and whose mother would sleep with any man who read her his Quran.

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