
I think I like this Indian guy?

by Guest31712  |  earlier

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I am in College, and there is this really smart Indian guy who helps me a lot. and recently also engages long conversations with me and talk to me about his family and life in India. I am kind of scared because I have heard that Indian people don't like to mix up with different races, and I think I'm starting to like him. What are turn offs and turn ons for Indian guys,And this Indian guy is very polite and courteous and all, do you think he can make a first move, I mean do they like flirting, kissing and all, or is it Taboo? I know love has no color and everybody has their own personality and stuff, but I just want to know in general. Do you think an Indian guy can like or date a black girl? or is it like impossible? Thanks for your honest answer.




  1. I don t know if this guy is romantically keen on you or is just being friendly but if he is, he is just like any other man. On the plus side he might be conservative and do things the old fashioned way so he will take his time. Most indian families are very open these days although there are cases where stoic families resist family men from marrying outside caste and culture. You have to find out from him, the best way and time possible. Don t blow a good friendship if that is all he is offering.

  2. Well you are correct that sometimes people do not agree with an interracial relationship.

    but from my experience if someone digs someone they will date them regardless of their ethnicity.

    My vietnamese friend dates a white girl.  I have a friend who is bi-racial who dates a white guy.  I've dated black guys.  My Aunt dates a guy from India (she's white).  

    I think the best way to figure this out is when you guys are having discussions about his family and things.  You can ask him things like "Are you parents very conservative?"  "Would you have a problem dating someone who wasn't indian?"  "If you liked a girl would you put the moves on her?"  "IF a girl liked you, what would you want her to do to show it?"  

    Then you can be like "BLAM! I WANTCHA! BLAM!"

    (just not with the blams or scariness)

  3. Interracial dating seems to be all the rage.  Where I oppose it when people do it for the shock factor, I'm all for anyone who dates someone because they really like who they are, not what color they are.  Your motives are beautiful.  

    Also, going with your gut will weed out the kind of people you don't want in your lives.  If you are shunned by a bunch of college pukes who snub you because you genuinely like someone for who they are, then you are all the better for it.

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