
I think I may be pregnant... Now what?

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My situation is a little sketchy. I'm 19, (almost 20), & in college. I started classes this week actually & I may be starting a new job soon. I'm a good 3 hours away from my home while my boyfriend is at school as well & is 5 hours away from me. My last period ended around the first of this month and I haven't started my upcoming one yet although I am due in the next few days. My boyfriend and I had s*x a few days later when I was ovulating and we didn't use protection. We never do that it was just an 'in the heat of the moment' kind of thing. In the past week I have had stomach pains, not wanting to eat then getting sick from not eating anything, head aches, back aches, I'm more tired than normal and this past saturday I fainted in the shower! I know the smart thing to do would be to just waite and see if my period arrives. I think its a little too early to take a home pregnancy test. If I go to a pregnancy clinic will they be able to tell me if I'm pregnant being that its still so early?? I would really like to find out so that I can discuss this with my family and figuire out if I should come home or not while school has just started. Any advice would help. Thankyou =)




  1. I would go buy a home test first. But make sure you get one that can test pregnancy levels before you miss your period, like First Response. EPT digital also has an early home test that you could use. If it says positive, obviously go to the doctor and talk to your parents. If it says negative, wait and see if you get your period. If it still doesn't come I would test again and/or go see a doctor.

    Don't get super stressed, I was 20 and in college when I got pregnant with my son. Figure out what is going on first, then if you are pregnant talk to your parents. Truly it is not the end of the world. It is a big hump in the course of your life at this point but it is manageable. My family was immensely supportive after a month or so. Initially they were quite shocked and upset. But now my son is 2.5 and my parents just love him to pieces. I am still in school, going 3/4 time and I am planning on graduating next year. School got pushed back slightly because I had to take some time off obviously.

    You will be okay though. And good for you for being so level headed.

    If you are pregnant I would suggest maybe going to school through the fall semester. Then probably take the spring semester off or see if your school offers distance learning or online classes so you can do your classes at home. If you are prego, the closer your due date gets the more often you'll be needing to go to the doctor, so being close to home and the doctor will be a very good thing.

    Good luck with everything. If you want or need some more advice feel free to email me.  

  2. wait untill your period is due, then test...

    If you are pregnant, dosnt mean you have to leave school right away...i would get as much in as possible.. do a semester or 2.

  3. I would suggest testing, as you have a lot of pregnancy symptoms. If it's negative, wait till your period is late 1 day (and if that happens) test again.

    There's no reason to quit school now. You can get through this semester, and then maybe take one off, or just take it easy. Or move back home and start saving money.

    Just don't get an abortion if you are pregnant.

    Good luck.

  4. The best thing to do first would be to go to your doctor/GP and they can do a blood test for you which can detect the pregnancy hormone earlier than home pregnancy tests...Wait to find out the result and if you are then yes the best thing to do would be to talk to your parents or boyfriend and discuss whats going to happen...

    Good Luck hope everything goes well for you...

    (P.s You seem really mature and calm about the situation!! Good on you!!)

  5. You really do sound like you've got a good hold on the situation.  It's good to see someone not "freaking out" about an unplanned pregnancy.  If you do go to the clinic, they can do a blood test for you and tell you for sure if you are pregnant or not.  It sounds to me like you very well could be.  Best of luck to you and your bf!  

  6. A home pregnancy test should work by now being that this happened almost a month ago.    The better thing to do would be to go to the doctors! There is a big possibility that u r pregnant and there is a small chance god forbid it  can be something bad !

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