
I think I may have a mental illness of some sort.?

by  |  earlier

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i'm afraid to tell my close friend and especially family that i think i have a problem. during the day, i'm normal, have fun, and laugh. but when it gets closer to night i really just feel like escaping into a room where i can be by myself and write about what i'm thinking. i used to write poetry whenever i was upset because any other times i'd get writer's block but now i write it every chance i get. sometimes when i write i feel it's not enough and result to cutting myself. i haven't cut myself much but after my first time i did it i felt i was addicted but i'm not sure that's possible? i constantly want to punch something or mosh to let some steam off. i'm also extremely paranoid that no one loves me and i'll loose my friends. one other thing is that my apatite is off. when i'm starving, i never feel like eating anything because i'm never really craving anything, so i just stay hungry. but after i eat something, my stomach gets extremely upset and feels like i'm going to vomit. i also go to the bathroom more frequently then i used to(if that means anything)

oh and i'm a 13 year old female.




  1. alright well you might have deppresion, schedual an appointment with your doctor.. i have had manic deppresion since i was 9.. and it comes mostly at night... so just relax it's going ot be alright.. speak to someone you can trust about it

    Hope this helps, and email me if you want to talk more about this.

  2. seems like you have depression with anxiety.  you should tell your parents, its not an embarrassing or uncommon thing.  a lot of kids your age suffer from things like that, except the cutting.  that's really bad.  i did it when i was younger and trust me it only FEELS like its helping.  its not worth it and it won't make you feel any better after a long period of time.  just try to be strong.  you can overcome anything you face, and at your age you really need to tell your parents so they can help you.  you're friends are too young to really know.  just get some help girl.  i've been there and i know how you feel.  i felt so much better after i just told my mom.  i thought she would look at me funny but telling her made it so much better.  trust me.  if you keep this all inside and keep doing what you're doing, you might end up hurting yourself or others really bad.  even if you don't mean to.

  3. I think you are really gonna get sick if you just dont share it up with someone like your parents or ur close friends. If this is not gonna happen then you will become a psycho who just likes loneliness and cannot meet any person and even if you meet you just cant cope up with them. So try to just meet up persons as much as you can and not only in the morning and having fun and just hiding in the dark room in the nights and evenings and trying to write down something about your feelings then, but I want to tell you and advice you to try to come out and mingle up with others and share your views.

    Its good that you can write down some poetry when you are alone but dont make it a habit because it makes a lot of problem to you in the future.

  4. you have to suck it up and tell your parents so they can get you into a doctors and help you, i think its depression and anxiety

  5. hmmm i think you are not yet that severe. i think so. but i was once like that too. paranoid that maybe my friend or family don't love me so i acted a different me. well not totally different. hmm why don't you try going to a counselor if you are not able to say your probs to your fam. because the longer your thoughts stayed and you don't handle it properly things will get worse. you must find answers soon to your problem so that nothing will bother you and will let you live normal w/o anything in your mind. but if you think you don't really need a psych then don't:) but just try it.

    oh by the way... stop cutting please:)

  6. yes it is possible to be addicted to cutting i know because i am Ive been cutting for about 2 years now and i cant stop (I'm 15)

    there's going to be allot of people telling you to stop but that's your choice and your choice alone I'm not going to tell you either way but i will say that i wish i hadn't started

    these sites will give you info on self injury and how to stay "safe"-

    i also have appetite loss and can feel sick after eating mine's from depression but if your feeling normal during the day it cant be that but i'll give you some info on it just in case oh and paranoia can be part of depression as well (especially with SI)

    also bi-polar were you go from manic to depressed you dont sound like you've had any manic episodes from what you said but its possible that you've had hipomania wich is a less severe form of mania

    sorry about all the links but there's just to much info to put on here

    the other thing is talk to someone this can help allot but its hard to do and with SI you find out who's a good friend and who's not

    if you cant find anyone else to talk to that you can always email me (

    keep with the poetry too its a really good way to cope

    Good Luck!

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