
I think I may have a problem with my period...?

by  |  earlier

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I am supposed to start my period in the last couple of days, I have been cramping badly for the last two weeks, my b*****s are tender, I had a spotting episode on Monday with lite bleeding and lining, Im bloated and craving salt. I usually start about 2 days after the full moon, its now been 4! Am I over reacting or is there a problem??




  1. I dont think you really need to worry yet. A period can last up to 7 days so if you dont start on your usual day then you should start within those 7 days. After that you have missed a period and you should see a doctor. You might be pregnant:P just kidding

  2. do you swim ? that made my period at about 4-5 days delay  

  3. I don't know much about the cramping. Maybe you should just get that checked out.

    Your period is never on exactly the same day. It changes as you get older and it also depends on the amount of stress you have experienced within the last few weeks.

    Don't worry too much about the tender b*****s thing. Most women expereince that as well - including me.

    But, like I said. If you had cramps for two weeks now, check it out. And if you still feel unsure go to your doctor.

  4. go to the doctor.. sorry  

  5. Sometimes we just aren't on time. Its not a big deal. However, if you are sexually active you could be pregnant. But, if you aren't having s*x, it probably isn't anything to worry about. I would wait and if you miss it next month, consult your doctor. Sometimes, stress, exercise, or the foods we eat can make us skip our periods.  And, a lot of women have tender b*****s. If you are still really worried about it, talk to your doc so you can be more comfortable. Good luck!!

  6. Wait for a while more, and see if your period DOES come.

    For me, my period doesn't come on an exact date. Sometimes it does, most of the time it doesn't.

    If you are feeling really bothered by this and can't wait anymore, then go see a doctor so you could be sure.

  7. ..that usual to over react sometimes bcoz it dont usually happen, right?

    ..sometimes i also start my period late so for me that is all ok..

  8. Well, the first few years a girl has her period, it is irregular, BUT if you are older, like in your 20's then you might be pregnant, are you sexually active  

  9. maybe your stressed out.......which might delay your periods. has anything been bothering you lately?......think about it. :)

  10. You might be pregnant. PMS doesn't last 2 weeks  

  11. Maybe your a warewolf?

  12. It's possible you're over reacting. Are you on the pill? If so, that could be the case. Sometimes on the pill it can make you "miss" all together. My doctor explained that it's because the pill keeps the lining from becoming as thick which is why the pill can make you have shorter and lighter periods and I guess sometimes none at all. But really it could be a number of reasons. Stress can sometimes make it late. And then there's being pregnant. I would call your doctor if it's over a week or two.

  13. I'm not to sure, go see a doc or ur mom

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