I've been told my two different therapists/psychologists, one in person and one online, that I have Depression with Psychosis. But I believe this to be wrong.
These are the symptoms I experience (sorry if it's a lot to read): http://counsellingresource.com/ask-the-psychologist/2008/07/24/rage-hallucinations-depression/
I'm a very isolated person and lately I've been trying to keep to myself (and husband), but as for friends I don't really want to hang out with them. I tried to go for a walk by myself one night and had the constant feeling I was being followed and I was starting to get really nervous. I have no motivation to leave my home, even to do the laundry, but if I'm with my husband I'm ok. I never used to be this bad so I know it's not just a "getting used to grown up life" type of thing. I used to go out with people and have fun.
Do you think the Depression and Psychosis were the correct diagnoses?
(Btw, I am not on meds but I'm able to keep control of things unless I leave my home)
And can anyone tell me why I am always talking to people who are not there for hours on end?