
I think I might be bi but I'm not sure. Help?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14, and I have a boyfriend. But everyday I find myself becoming more and more attracted to girls. Sometimes I have to catch myself from staring at girls, and I have kissed a girl before and liked it. But I also find myself doubting whether or not I'm actually bi or if I'm just experimenting. I am attracted to girls, physically and emotionally, but I've only had experiance with guys so I dont honestly know if I am. Can someone please tell me if they think I'm bi or not? And if so, how can I tell my friends and parents? please help.




  1. being a bi girl is sooooooo hott  

  2. there is no need to define yourself right now, dudette.  you have plenty of time, trust me.  but if you must know, i would call you bi-curious at the moment.  keep on experimenting if you want.  it's totally healthy and natural.  after a year, if you find that your attraction to girls does not decrease then you are probably bi.

    as for how to tell your friends and parents when the time comes, just tell them straight up.  start with either your parents or a close friend, whichever you feel you can trust.  sit them down and tell them flat out.  don't be agressive about it; just be truthful.  they will understand.  if not immediately, then eventually.  and no matter what, remember that you are a beautiful person who deserves to be treated with the utmost respect.  good luck!

  3. haha you kissed a girl and you liked ittttttttttt

    sorry, i had to

    i'm also 14, and i have a girlfriend, i'm bisexual but it took me a while to figure out that i really am

    maybe you should think about it more

  4. For me it was when I realized that I had a crush on a girl.

  5.              It sounds like you're bi. i, myself, have experimented with girls, but I don't think I would date one. That's the first question you should ask yourself. Would you date a girl, even marry one? Or do you just like to experiment? If so, you are probably bisexual, but no one can tell you that, only yourself.

                 As for your family, it depends how understanding they are. First thing's first, decide if you think you really are bisexual. If you decide you are, the best chance is to go with the person who is most understanding, which in my case is my mom, but it could be anyone in your family, even a sibling. If you don't have anyone specifically close to you, sit them all down, and announce it to them all at once so they can calmly react together.

             If your friends are really your friends, they will understand, point stated. If they don't, they were never really your friends, because real friends accept you for who you are, as corny as that sounds.


  7. my b.f. did a test: he got g*y p**n and straight p**n, and whichever turned him on more won....  He threw the straight mags out quite quickly.

  8. Well...bisexuality, by definition, is the capacity to be attracted to both sexes. But most bisexuals tend to experience stronger attraction to one gender over the other. So, I think that you are in fact bisexual... especially as you said it's physical and emotional. And there's nothing to be ashamed or worry about.

    Consider this: do heterosexual people wait until they have experience with the opposite s*x to identify as heterosexual?

    I think that you should tell your friends and parents only when you feel comfortable and confident about who you are and how you feel about everything...There's no need to rush..You might even want to wait until ur in a relationship to tell them so that you would be in a place where you have extra support.

    BTW, please pay no mind the posters who have advised you to test yourself with p**n. Watching p**n is an unreliable and empty way to 'gauge' one's sexuality. Moreover, L*****n p**n is completely fake and boring. g*y male p**n is much more emotive but unnecessary as a way to answer your questions at an early age. Heterosexual p**n can be quite demeaning to women.

    Wishing you the best!

    Take care...

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