
I think I might be g*y?

by  |  earlier

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are there any known cures, medications or treatments. please help





  2. sleeping with your sister is not g*y.

  3. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!  

  4. You could always experiment. A lot of people go through a phase when they feel they may be g*y, such as Jonathan Davis, then turn out not to be g*y. Just remember though: there's nothing wrong with being g*y.

  5. haha who r u trying to kid only have to look at all the other questions uve asked lol

  6. there's no cure, it's who u are. but if u really want to be more straight, then go to a strip club and watch the ladies...see if that'll work

    but the point is, don't be someone else in order to please life the way u are instead of dieing knowing u weren't true to urself

  7. being g*y isn't a disease, so there are no cures or medications. It's who you are, you've got to live with it.

  8. A lapdance ;)

  9. nope your born that way and your stuck that way forever. Theres no changing that. So quit denying yourself and accept yourself. It ok to be ok. There is nothing wrong with it

  10. lol wtf. If you like boys, you like boys. simple as that.. i hate when people ask stupid questions like this.

  11. its not an illness, so uhh, no medications sorry hun.  but yeah you might want to post this on the g*y/L*****n section (instead of the mental health) if you want some more support.

    to everyone else, some people (if this isnt a joke) arent always as taught the same things.  they grow up in diffrent house holds, and some people DO believe there is a cure, but thats all bull so lay off him, he was just asking for advice and your being a******s.

  12. Try to go to a strip club .. or w***e house .. if that don't work  ..

    then sorry mate.. yore 100% g*y .. :)

  13. It's not a disease and there is no cure.  g*y people are born g*y.  It doesn't change as they get older.

  14. Being g*y is perfectly fine. You can't "cure" yourself, its not a disease.

  15. uhhh....

    if you think your g*y the symtoms could be:

    -you think about doing things with other guys

    -you find them more attractive then females

    -you like beig around them more then girls and guys together

    if you dont think like this your prolly not lmao.

    and nothing gets rid of it lol

  16. There's nothing wrong with being g*y, and facing it can be really hard but you are who you are.  And it's not an illness so it can't be cured.

    Apart from you could try being hypnotysed (sorry don't know how to spell it lol) but that has never been proven to work! and it can be dangerous sometimes.

    sorry i couldn't be of more help!

  17. A persons sexual orientation is a mater of nature to that person. No medications or treatments will defy the nature of you. discover yourself and find your truth,if it turns out you are g*y so what.Your true friends will accept you as you are..

  18. theres nothing you can do you just have to deal with it theres nothing wrong with being g*y.

  19. you could live ur life a lie hooking up with girls OR you could be happy by being g*y and being true to urslef

  20. Ex g*y therapy or conversion therapy

  21. i hope you did NOT just ask if there was a its not a disease or something.

    who cares if your g* you like guys. big deal.

    if someone calls you g*y tell them to shut the ***** up.

  22. Honey, you were born that way. But do not date a girl just to cover up because a g*y guy dated me and I found him kissing a guy and it the mall and I was so sad! Date a Guy It will make you fell good.  

  23. come out the closet and tell your family or whoever you are afraid to tell and that is all the medication you will ever guy friend always says I'M g*y AND I'M PROUD!!!

    Whatever anybody does behind closed doors is  up to them and is nobody Else's business just be true to yourself and do whatever makes you happy and feel good!!!

  24. sorry, no. not that i have ever heard of.

    your just born with it, i guess.

    if your attracted to other men, then just go for it. tell your parents or whoever you live with your whoever is your family, they will help you deal.

    and don't be ashamed of it. its just how you are.

    ohh, and g*y people are frickin cool!!!

    (: good luck :)

  25. You might not be.

    Depending on your age.. You just might think you are when you start to question yourself.

    Especially if you're in your teens, I've read.

    Don't worry, and don't do anything too rash until you're 100%

    And I'm afraid the only cure is learning to live with it.

    .. If you are, this is.

    Think about it a little more. Are you sure girls aren't for you..?

  26. There's no reason to "cure" being g*y.  It's just who you are, like having brown eyes or chest hair.

    It's not a bad thing, believe me.

  27. i shouldn't talk to you cause you might be g*y and i don't talk to g**s


    see im from a family where girls like boys and boys like girls

    and where woman are woman and men are men

  28. happy go lucky i say sad and gloom is not happy or g*y

    but if you ever come across it you will know then that you would rather be g*y happy g*y  

  29. lmao no!! If your g*y then your g*y! that's it! theres no cure!! Nothing wrong with that!

  30. Don't worry and its not a illness do don't use pills or anything it wont help just keep calm and hand out with girls it might not make you 'sraight' but you will have a lot more fun !  

  31. lol, medications or treatments?

    'g*y' isn't a disease... get over it... you fail at being straight, game over.

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