
I think I might have ADD?

by  |  earlier

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Well I never thought I had it until last year in my 9th grade civics class. My civics teacher asked did I have it, I told him no because I thought that it was something bad to have. So this year I started to remember what he asked me. So I went on the computer and started to do some research. When I looked at the symptoms, I realized more than half of them I have. So I went back to talk to him about it. He then told me that he had ADD and the reason why he asked was because I acted just like he did before he found out that he had it. So we spent a half and hour just talking. He was able to share his stories and I was able to relate to what he was talking about. So I want to get tested but how do I? I told my daddy his just made a big mockery out of it and laughed at me and started to act like I was special.




  1. you have to get tested in order for them to properly diagnose you, there are ways to control it.....sort of.....i was diagnosed with it when i was in high school and other then the starting projects and never fully finishing them and doin far to much at one time i am doing well........ADD is really a problem for everyone else i drive people crazy with my ever changing ideas, the trick is to slow down and it isnt always easy but, sometimes you just have to make yourself! or better yet find someone or a group who accepts the way you are and loves you for it! good luck with the diagnosis its not always easy to find someone to test you with out your parents ok but ask your guidance counselor.

  2. I have ADD and yes I did have a difficult time studying.  The thing I found most helpful to me was learning as much as I could about it and learning my own weaknesses.  Once I was able to pin point those and realize i was side tracking I just had to be disciplined enough to get back to where I needed to be.  Good luck with it all.  I see mine as a good thing at times.

  3. I work with children who have this diagnosis and I just want you to know that medicine is not always the answer.  I have several children who are benefitting from behavior management therapy.  Talk with your counselors and see if they could possibly speak with your father to at least get evaluated.  Good luck.

  4. You can have it if you want it.....

    It's the latest disorder, and most parents want their children on all the medication so they don't have to actively parent them anymore.  

    I find it interesting that your dad is making a mockery of the situation, maybe he's a closet ADD and doesn't want to share his meds....

  5. I am so glad you were receptive to your teachers advice. I am not suprised at your fathers response. My son was diagnosed with ADHD and I received the same response from his father when I wanted to get him tested. If your mom is in your life talk to her. . Discuss the conversation you had with your teacher and have your teacher schedule a conference with your parents. Your school district may do an assessment or you may have to go through your doctor. Your teacher should be able to give you more info.

  6. only way to tell is see a Dr. or your school adviser/psychiatrist

  7. one option is to go to a doctor and perhaps get some amphetamines, they really work, and despite the naysayers in the "natural" supplement industry who stand to benefit from a negative stigma of adderall --- there is no proof of any long term damage.

    But I'm all for natural supplements like fish oil and what not, but in SOME cases ADHD meds really, really help those peoples lives.

  8. Yes and No. i have adhd, which is a high spectrem of it, and i find that if my mind is not on the task, i cannot do it. I also have to be told things, like instructions, more then once to be able to do them. From what i heard, add has to do with concentration and learning. If you do have it, you probably have it under control.

    If you want to get tested, go to your docter and asked to be tested for it. They normally do different tests and such, like taking a timed test and see how long you can do it.

  9. Focus is one of the big things.  Karate and martial arts can help with that.  Try to have a quiet area for studying and figure out what works best for you... sometimes music can help sometimes it distracts.  Look up information on increasing focus and on studying in particular. You may have to develop systems to remember what you study.

    If the school will not assess you then you can turn out for sports.

    In your grade you usually have to have a physical from your doctor for any sports.  Turn out for sports and at the physical at your doctors office ask your doctor about it and express your concerns.

    Also you can look up information on how to deal with it without drugs and just follow a lot of tips.  A lot has to do with organising and that doesn't hurt whether you are ADD or NOT.

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