
I think I might have OCD?

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so I think I might have OCD but I'm not really sure it could just be I'm paranoid about stuff -but tell me if you think that's what it is?

I always have to see that the doors are locked before I go to sleep and that like the oven's off even though I know they always will closet has to be shut or else I can't sleep. When I'm driving I'm constantly looking in the rearview mirror to make sure I didn't hit anything or I check local news when I get home (crazy I know) is this typical ocd behavior or something else? i don't like count stuff or worry about germs but some of the stuff I do my sister makes fun of me for saying I don't need to do it but I feel like I have to?

well thanks for listening to my ramblings any insight??




  1. I always have to see that the doors are locked before I go to sleep and that like the oven's off even though I know they always will closet has to be shut or else I can't sleep. When I'm driving I'm constantly looking in the rearview mirror

    It sounds like you copied my thoughts lol and typed them out for me, I do this every night, several times! It may be a mix of anxiety and OCD, I just got diagnosed with both today

    Try little things to distract yourself from constanly checking them, when you turn them off or lock the door, tell yourself something silly like, I locked the door, and remember something your lateer that night you can say, I DID lock the door today, I was wearing my red shirt, I know it sounds supppper silly, but it helped me for a long time!

    Good luck!

  2. In these situations, it's not like you're really looking for more to check, worry about, etc.  However, for starters, make a "checklist" and allow yourself to do it completely...but only ONCE.  Use it to give yourself some comfort.  As with any living environment, take the steps that make you most comfortable in that environment (whether that's locking the doors, having a room painted a certain color, having cabinets you like, etc.).

    So simply chalk it up to that, a list that you can only do once per day that creates comfort in your environment.

    There is no such thing as "typical OCD behavior", it's a condition that cause people to be obsessive and compulsive on whatever it is that matters to them.  Some people count, some people have to touch things, some people have to say things, some people focus on doors locked, etc.

    You need to ask yourself "Why" you do these things.  Is it because you simply want to feel safe, or is it some other weird drive that's pushing you to do it?  Do you see what you do as "maybe a little worried or just silly", or do you feel compelled that you must do them?

    Get a book, go to a website, and do some research on the symptoms of OCD.  Ask yourself how many apply to you.  If you think it's a number that makes you feel you may have a disorder, seek professional help.  Fortunately there is a lot known about OCD, so there is a lot of proven help and treatment for it out there.

  3. My mom does the exact same thing... Take Prozac to treat this...

  4. You may have tendencies-do you have intrusive thoughts. Make sure to get some help- CBT therapy will really help. If you case is mild you may not need medication-but go to your doctor-he can refer you.

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