
I think I might have phimosis, and I need help!?

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I am 15 years old. I have masturbated a lot of times by now, and I think i may be addicted, but that isn't the MAIN problem. The problem is that the skin that covers the head of my p***s, does not retract. It pulls back almost a quarter of the head, maybe even a third, but hurts to go further. Though, from when i first started masturbating, maybe two years ago, the skin has not been pulling back just a bit more every so often. I have read online about phimosis (i believe it is) and i think i may have it. I am scared to ask my parents for help, becuase this is embarassing, but I think it might get more serious, if it can. I want to know if there's a special doctor I can go see, or if I even need to. I know there is some little 'slit' they can do, but I'm wondering if I just have to go to see my normal doctor about it.

Again, I am only 15, and I can't just walk on in and pay for the operation myself, so I will eventually have to tell my parents, But i'm wondering if you can help me out enough to know 1) who i have to see 2) IF i need to see anyone

Also, i JUST tried to pull it back, and i slowly went down further and further, but at the top, well, the 'bottom' of my head, liiike, when it is erect, the part that would face the ground, if straight out, or if it was vertical, it would face outwards - there seems to be a little fleshy almost ropish .. thing there, and it looks to be attached to my head. but, when i am erect, it is still there, but i don't know if it is attached there, therefore KEEPING my f******n from going down, or else it might hurt, ALOT. Maybe this is the 'slit' they are talking about, I am not sure.

Also, the head of my p***s is EXTREMELY sensitive. It is a stinging feeling when i press it, or even just slightly touch it, and when I urinate, it dribbles too, after the like, long first 'urination' the after pee, is dribbled, which i know is another sign of 'phimosis'

Thanks so much for your help.




  1. Since you're already 15 years old and and you *can* retract your f******n at least a part of the way over the head of your p***s as you've said, this is probably not phimosis, and is *far* more likely to be just a short preputial frenulum (that's the tough little tissue that connects the f******n to the underside of your glans).

    See your doctor about it, and I'm almost certain that he'll tell you the same thing... *and* he'll probably prescribe you a short course of betamethasone topical cream.   It's a mild corticosteroid very similar to the stuff that's used for treating chronic asthma,  it's perfectly safe, and it's no biggie to use: you put a dab of the cream on your finger and squish it into the opening of your f******n, then pull your f******n back as far as you comfortably can and spread a little more of the cream on the exposed part of your glans.   That's it.  

    Over the course of just a few weeks, the tissues there will soften a little and allow you to stretch them more and more without any trouble at all, and "as far as you comfortably can" will soon be all the way past the widest part of your glans.

  2. Talk with your parents. Tell them you are having problems & pain with your f******n. They should take it from there. You'll probably start with your regular doc & because of how health insurance works, need & get a referral to a Urologist.

    It might help to talk to your dad first. Is he also uncircumcised? If so, he can tell you what to do maybe from his experiences.

  3. All you got to do is when you're showering retract it as far as you can and rinse it. Use warm water as it will be easier to retract with warm water. Do this everyday, and after a few weeks you will be able to retract it normally. Also, when you retract it more and more, you might notice smegma build up, and since your p***s head is sensitive, you might want to take a bath with warm water, retract it, let your p***s in the warm water, and the smegma should come off, but as the weeks go by, you should be getting less sensitive to the point where you will be able to fully retract and wash your p***s correctly. good luck

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