
I think I might have some sort of OCD or phobia?

by  |  earlier

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I don't like it when my stuff from school touches my stuff that I've never brought from school. Or when I touch, say, my homework, and then my bed, I feel as if my bed has been contaminated with school germs. I always have to take a shower after school before I get into my bed. I haven't always had this problem, though. It started in about, 4 or 5 grade. Can someone help me get over this?




  1. There ARE a  lot of germs at school, grocery stores, etc.

    It's OK to be moderately cautious, however if it is "excessive" such that is impacting normal functioning, then you should see your doctor or a counselor.

  2. its not that strange. i'm a nurse and can't touch anything until i get out of the shower. maybe you have some hidden issues about school or something.  

  3. This is going to sound a bit obvious - but at least you can recognise a period when it started.  And you're still at school so still relatively young.  At least you didn't wait til you were completely screwed up and then have to have a psychiatrist trawl through your whole life to help you.

    Seriously, I've been to them - psychiatrists are friendly and can help you discover what it was about school (or that time period) that you can't bear to connect to your outside life.

  4. i think you understand this is OCD..i have had many similar problems with contamination it can be very frustrating i know. Ok so how do you overcome this problem like i did? Well if you want to overcome this on your own be prepared to fight this OCD because it will fight back. The best technique i have ever seen is called ERP(Exposure Response Prevention) I would advise you look it up if you already don't know what that is online. How you would overcome this OCD is to take things from School and rub them all over your bed,your clothes,your homework everything. After you have done this you will have to measure your anxiety level from 1-10, ten being extreme anxiety. I would start out with just taking one item from school and rubbing it maybe on one item at home and monitor from 1-10 how much anxiety you have. You would do this every day and i promise you that if your anxiety starts out at a 9 or 10 it will reduce eventually to a 2 or 3. After you have done this you would want to expose more things in your room maybe your bed and clothes and monitor your anxiety. The best solution to your problem i would advise is to see a Professional Counselor but considering it is very expensive this might be your only option. I hope you find this somewhat helpful.

  5. Make an appointment with a clinical psychologist who will make a full evaluation using a DSM IV.  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD is a serious disorder that can fully disrupt your life if left untreated.

  6. check with your doctor.  

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