
I think I might have ulcerative colitis or colon cancer?

by  |  earlier

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So for the past 2 days I've had to go to the bathroom like 3-5 times a day. And it's different because it's not really diarrhea it's like small chunks like liquid almost. Every time, I have to go badly, and it's almost like explosive diarrhea because it just comes out. Every time I feel like my bowels aren't empty. And there is barely anything that comes out. I think there's blood when i wipe but its really really light. Today there were some full pieces of p**p, not diarrhea like at all, and it doesn't smell.

I looked up symptoms for both and the only thing I see that apply to me are "A feeling that your bowel is not empty", "Bloody diarrhea". Except this isn't really even diarrhea I don't think. My appetite is normal, except I did notice one thing that was weird.

Symptoms for UC say you can have mouth ulcers, I have a canker sore forming, but I get them one every few months. I had my first canker sore like 6-7 years ago(and yes my p**p was normal back then).

Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?




  1. simple, stop playing doctor

    don't be a dope, see a doctor

    geez louise

  2. Like everyone said, see a doctor. I didn't see a doctor about my UC for a few months (i was 13 and truthfully didn't know anything was wrong). I was going only about twice a day, but my stools were basically all blood. You want to get this treated now so you don't suffer, because suffering from UC sucks balls.

  3. it also could be crohns disease check with a GI doctor. Ur thing isnt normal

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