
I think I might need stitches...

by  |  earlier

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I cut my upper arm and it's gapping open and I think I can see tissue, not sure though. It's a little over 1/4 inch deep and it's bleeding and clear stuff is coming out as well. Please help! I have to pay 100 dollars to go to the er and don't want to unless I have to.




  1. keep pressure on it.. deep cuts will heal fine it all depends on how wide it is... serious pressure and then wrap it up... if it's 1/4 wide then you should probably call your doctor. another option is a clinic, their cheaper than the er

  2. Pay the 100- and get it taken care of. It will be better than the money it will cost you if you get it infected and then who knows.

  3. Better get it checked, you'll be paying more than 100 bucks if it gets infected.

  4. if you think you might need stitches, you probably do. if its gaping open, it wont stay closed on it's own.  

  5. i'm not sure what you should do, but a doctor is definitely your top priority. if it gets infected, you'll end up paying thousands of dollars... before you go to a hospital, i would pour Hydrogen Peroxide Solution onto it. it doesn't burn or sting, it will just foam. that means it's killing bacteria.

  6. Without being able to see it, from your description I would not be surprised if you do need stitches. Urgent care centers are less expensive than ERs. If there is one in your area that's another option. Do NOT pour peroxide on it, it will damage healthy cells.

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