
I think I need a makeover =[?

by  |  earlier

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i asked out half the guys at my school,but i like ONE! guy.I talk to him and stuff :/.one time,me in my friend were in line at school,and i was looking to the side and she said theres zac smith (name of the guy i like) and i was like WHERE!? and I looked up,and he was standing right next to me smiling :D.But he still doesnt like me =[.My friends gonna do my makeup at school monday,but what should i do bout my hair and what kind of makeup should i wear =[.btw,im in 6th hes in 5th grade.....dont say any rude answers bout us being too young =[.thanks





  1.  cant see the pic but sorry kid you are tooooooo young!

    and you also should not be on the computer without a parent at your age.

    im not even allowed to wear make up and im older than you           so just keep the crushing to your self


    and     people she's 10 what do you think ur doing cussing at her!!! u guys are the idiots

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