
I think I over did it today?

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I am trying to lose at least 2 pounds this week and this morning i ate a yogurt parfait with granola, scrambled eegs, a green salad with ranch dressing and nachos with cheese. I know not good! I also ate a Dove candy bar. I exercised an hour on my treadmill. I have drank a gallon of water. Is this a bad thing?




  1. Eat healthier. It isn't the calorie wise I am concerned about. You should eat more fruits and less junk.

  2. I eat crappy foods all the time but I do soccer and I lose about 2 pounds a week. I mean just as long as you exercise 6 days a week for an hour and a half without rarely stopping you'll be in good shape in no time :) Take it from someone who does soccer, basketball cheerleading, track, and softball all the time!

  3. You'll be fine. Some days are harder than others. You won't eat the same way everyday - it's not natural. It's more usual to go through many variations in your diet, in appetite and the types of food you crave. So don't react to this day by becoming more restrictive, because then you'll really overdo it. Just make sure you are varying your food choices, and continue practicing moderation.

    Good job running on the treadmill, by the way! If you ever get bored of that (an hour is horrendously boring O_O), you can ride a bike, jump rope, or jog outside (just a few examples).

    The salad was a good choice, but don't go overboard with the ranch dressing. (A little bit is okay.) Replace the cheesy nachos and chocolate with some fruit, and switch the granola with some low-sugar, high-fiber cereal (e.g. Kashi, FiberOne, Raisin Bran, Total...stuff like that). I think cereal can be more satisfying and hearty (and less soggy!) than granola, but that's just my opinion. By the way, a little chocolate is okay. It's an interesting treat that may help lower blood pressure. ( Still, it's a treat, so eat it only sparingly.

    You also might also want to think about protein drinks, which are an easy, good-tasting way to get some fruit and protein into your system. They're like smoothies, but better (as long as you don't add sugary things). A little protein is best taken through dairy (e.g. your yogurt), lean fish, lean chicken, or powders - but keep in mind that if you eat too much protein, your body will convert the excess into fat. (See link for information on how much is recommended:

    Dieting is a mind game, so I also have a few suggestions that might make it easier to win psychologically... It will ease your mind if you are knowledgeable about what's going on in your body as you diet, so Google things like recommended daily intake of nutrients, calorie counters, calculation of how much calories can be burned, healthy food ideas, unusual health facts, etc. In addition, studies have shown that people eat significantly more when with others (e.g. at social gatherings, parties...) are around. It is easiest to be in control of your diet by not going to restaurants, staying away from the snack bar, not snacking with your friends, etc. I'm not saying you should throw away your social life (lol), but it's best to eat at home when on a diet, and don't feel too guilty if you do splurge a little while with your friends or family. Hopefully, knowing these things will help keep you from being discouraged. :)

  4. Okay my answer to you is diets dont work. Well. its true. instead i think you are having problems with eating more than you should. You should at least eat like 3 meals a day, but having small snacks inbetween (THAT ARE HEALTHY) it helps so that you dont end up eating alot.

    I think you should have a hardy good breakfast (no junk food. that means NACHOS, buddy) and a regular lunch (sandwich....watever you like--nothing junky tho) and a little snack in between lunch and dinner. You can do it. you can. you can.

    p.s. salad dressing on salads make salads not so healthy. so eating plain salad is better   :)

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