
I think I put a curse on my mate?

by Guest61019  |  earlier

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I need help, I have been mistreated for years, I have a child with a man, and one on the way. He has had numerous affairs through the years, I just recently found out about. He is on many websites meeting women, and is a male w***e. I have had enough and I am a creole woman by ancestry. I spoke words to him two days ago, and everything I thought and said happen to him. I have always had a strong spirit, but, this is way intense. One day after I cursed him, he was robbed, and the next day he was fired. I am so scared, is this real, or was it just circumstantial? I don't remember what I said to him, it was in a foreign language to me, however, my eldest auntie said it was the spirit of my ancestors protecting me. What do you guys think? Could it have been my ancestors spirit? I have never been so angry with anyone in my life, this man does bad things and laughs at you after you display hurt. He thinks he is God's gift to women, and he also now blames me for his misfortunes.




  1. WOW.i think i dont wanna get on your bad side.

    you scaremeh.:O

    but i see where you are standing my great great aunt was a witch.i swear!

  2. ttly1 well at least i ttly believe it!

  3. I believe you acted in a normal manor, he hurt you, you let him know how much. Did you intend bad things to happen to him?  It seems that any bad things that happen to him are his own making,not from you The best thing you can do is rid yourself of him. Never go back to him odds are he also will have some type of std, now that would be justice.

  4. Just remember That curses have a nasty  way of back-firing in a nasty humbling way... So stay strong And don't become what you just got rid of...........

  5. woah....... im like freaked out right now

    my mind is saying its just bad timing but i dont know i usually dont believe in stuff like this

    actually karama is a ******!

    i think its God telling him enough, and to stop treating this good woman like this.

    probably just god putting him in his place

  6. It sounds like several of the things that have happened to him have been brought upon by himself. Curses only work if the person that has been cursed believes in it and thinks about it enough to put energy into it. You attract what you put your energy into. If he does not know about this curse, then there is no way it could affect him. Curses just do not work that way. A curse is not some mystical entity, it is just a thought that, given enough attention, causes bad things to happen because that is what the "cursed" person expects.

    Relax, and make sure that he knows he brings his own misfortune into his life. Nobody else can be blamed for bad things happening to him.

  7. It may have been your ancestors spirit or your own. I'm a little bit vengeful and I think he deserves it but if you want to remove it then I guess  you could just call it off since you cast the curse. maybe you just wish it away. If it was your ancestors doing then maybe you pray to have it taken away. good luck.( :

  8. well, i don't know if you did or didn't. it may be coincidence, but i don't think so. people say you get what you give. maybe it was just his turn to get it. i think maybe your eldest auntie may have been right though. your ancestors may have been protecting you. if you truly didn't mean for him to get hurt (i don't mean that you wanted him to lose his job kinda hurt, i mean like you want him injured kinda hurt, which i don't think you did) i don't think it would be called a curse. a curse is intentional harm-like misfortune as i understand it. i guess down in your sub-conscious, you wanted him to be 'punished' for his wrong-doings, but not like, killed. the mind is a powerful thing, and it should not be underestimated. in my unprofessional opinion, works such as this are fully possible with a... strong enough will and mind. but, i wish you all the best of luck and will power and determination and every other good thing to help you with your situation and a solution to it. Good Luck!

  9. it seems to me if you really want to break it the person who would how would be the eldest auntie you spoke about. thats all i can say really because i dont have enough experience but good luck and Blessed Be.

  10. write down the things said and done keep a dairy it will help answer the things u ask

  11. wellll i can believe in that stuff some times,you might of.your spirit is a powerful kinda serves him right though probally did.if anything else bad happens you did.

  12. This is "Karma."  I don't believe in "Curses."  

    OMG!!  He also sounds like an exact double of my ex!  I dated this man for 3 years and finally I had enough. I left.  He would always hurt others and curse them or ask that harm come to them.  I am a natural magical to speak, and I believe in only doing good for others.  Everytime he spoke meanly to others I said, "I hope that it rains on your happy little parade!!!"  It would storm horrible when he had plans!!  He began to call me evil!  Lol. But, I am not...and neither are you!  The worst he did was wish horrible Karma on his ex wife.  She is making him pay child support and he hates it!!  Poor baby.  Anyway, she had gotten married and later was expecting a child.  Well, he wished evil on her, and later found out that she lost her baby during her 6th month.  Mysteriously miscarried!!  He then said, "That will teach her to mess with me!! I threw her bad Karma right back at her!!!"  I was mortified!!! I just cringed from him after that!!!   Well, I told him that what he has done will come back to him not times 3, but times 10!!  That's how mad I was!!  Since that time, he has lost the best job he ever had, lost all of his vehicles, he has nearly lost his home, he lost all his rights to ever gain custody of his own children, lost most of al of his friends due to his lies, and......just recently, was hit by a car and got broken up very badly. And yes....he blames me for all of his misfortunes!!  is this Karma?  Or, is this a Curse?  It's no curse.  I wouldn't wish, nor could I EVER wish bad on others. In fact, as much as I hated to do this, I called to make sure he was ok after the accident.    You don't sound like you could do harm on others either.  I think you are a very good, and very strong woman, and you deserve much better than you have had.  He will suffer what he has done but it will be only him that allows this, not you.  I would love to talk more to you, but I don't want to chat to long on here. I hope that I have answered all that I can for you, and it has somehow helped you in some way.  Thank you for your question, and may you have a very good journey throughout life from this day forward!!

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