
I think I really over ate...I feel like c**p. Pleaseee help..?

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so I got up and had 100 cal fat free yogurt

then i was starving by i think i over ate

i went to jason's deli and i ate an entire sandwich

i had whole wheat bread, slice of low fat swiss cheese, smoked turkey breast, lettuce, and organic stone mustard. and i had a side of baked chips.

i also had two wheat cracker packs (4 wheat crackers) with like 3 teaspoons of hummus. oh and i had 5 little slices of an apple.

it doesnt seem like a lot, but when i think about it, that sandwich probably had like 700 calories in it. because it was a full sized sandwich. i feel like c**p now.

im giong to probably run later on around 5 pm maybe. 2-3 miles, then 20 minute pilates, crunches.

i have to eat only 1200 calories today.

how many calories do you think ive already had?

i want to eat dinner before i guess ill eat dinner and then work out an hour after.

but i dont think i will be hungry..ugh

any light light light ideas for dinner?

no salads though..


17 years old, 5'5'', and 116 lbs if that helps




  1. Hi.

    Firstly, Christopher P is an idiot. Don't become bulimic, your teeth will just rot and you'll smell of sick all the time. It just isn't healthy.

    Have an apple and drink some water or milk to cleanse your stomach. Use the bathroom, then go to sleep if you can. Work out tomorrow - Google Tabata Intervals - so you won't feel guilty for excessing. Skipping is great, it burns 12 cals a minute. Buy a good quality rope.

    The first mistake you made was breakfast. Yoghurt's okay, but try and have something solid with it, such as bran or some sort of carbohydrate. Try and eat 300 cal meals 5/6 times a day. Eat when you're hungry and try dark chocolate. Hope you feel better. :)

  2. ur fine just eat more in the mornings that way you arent as hungry in the afternoon

  3. hey if your hungry then eat

  4. OMG!  You're a frickin' porker!  I'm beside myself that you're over-dramatizing this.  Truth be told you're likely right on target to make your calorie MINIMUMS for the day.  1200 calories at 17 is really too light.  Look...just don't have a Thanksgiving dinner tonight and you won't miss your target by much, if at all.  You know...if you keep flipping out like this you're going to freak yourself into a coronary by 25...there goes all that hard work you put into your diet.  Take it from me, I've lost over sixty pounds in the last 4 months for my wedding which is a little more than a month I know what I'm talking about.

  5. one hot pocket

  6. what time do you sleep??you wont gain weight as long as you refrain from food at least 2 hrs before didnt eat need to wait for 2 hours after meals to exercise...

  7. I honestly think you're fine hun. Just don't beat yourself up, and do your best to get on track again tomorrow. I find myself pigging out sometimes too, and then of course I feel like c**p. I like to drink lots of hot herbal tea afterwards, it seems to help flush out my system so I feel better the next day. Just eat something light like some soup with noodles or brown rice for supper and then work out if you feel up to it. It's good that you pigged out early in the day, though, because now your body has time to burn off all the calories. it really makes a difference the time of day you overeat. I think you'll be perfectly ok :)


  8. sounds like a healthy female weight so i wouldn't worry about todays eating, if you start piling weight on however it might be an idea to look at your diet, and by diet i dont mean fasting, too many people hear the word diet and think of starvation and lettuce, people actually diet to put weight on, help thier complection, control imbalances and all kinds of stuff.

  9. I think your probably fine, just give yourself today off and say 'I won't do that again' and start again tomorrow, still go and work out and keep your calories as low as you can now, but i think you will be fine

  10. throw up what u ate then u can eat as much as u want to message me back if u wanna

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