
I think I should die

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I hate my life, nothing good ever happens, i didn't do good in school, i'm at a community college, my car is older then jesus, i have no boyfriend no high paying job, ok i got somewhat that. But i hate my life. I recently finally bought the car of my dreams, just to have it snatched away. I think i will go kill myself because i seriously feel my life is useless.I cry every night, Never been suicidal but the thought recently keeps crossing my mind,i don't know what to do anymore. I think it all stems from me being molested by my step father when i was younger, I can't live this life anymore... Just lookin at me you wouldn't think anything was wrong, 21, 115pds., so called beautiful, this is not so much a question as a P.S.A to let everyone know that things are never what they seem and neither are people, something is always hidden deep inside..thats all, i'm done




  1. sorry but i gotta agree with sleepingliv.

    he/she's got the right idea, and it's a pretty simple solution.

    other than that, i suggest you read The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes and try it.

    it helped me.

  2. please don't kill yourself. you should go into therapy to get rid of the repressed emotions that came from being molested. you will get through this. you are beautiful. you have a good job, so you're obviously good at what you do. if you don't have a boyfriend, that just means you haven't found the right guy yet. you're smart because you chose to go to school instead of dropping out, and a bad car means nothing. nobody is alone. you can get through this. please, don't kill yourself. please?

  3. ya so basically u want to kill ur self thats pointless in the end, think of ur family dont be selfish i mean ik ur not selfesh but killing urself sounds selfish u have to think go to a helper i think u shud visist the hospitaL FOR A WHILE GO TO UR MOMS HOUSE NO ONES BETTER THAN UR MOM SLEEP WITH HER BUT NOT THE SAME WAY, ULL BE FINE TRUST ME. UVE SEEMED TO HAVE A NOT THE GREATEST LIFE BUT EHHH NO ONE IS PERFECT IN THE END

  4. Things might seem bad... But it doesnt seem like you have it the worst! Im only 20 and i enjoy my life greatly but that hasnt always been the way... Maybe i can help you and if you need to talk feel free to add me to msn or e-mail me.....   = MSN     = e-Mail

  5. If you're already at rock bottom, where can you go but up? also suicide doesn't do anything but make your friends/ family feel horrible. If you won't live for yourself, at least live for the people who care about you!

  6. Don't feel that way, life could always change for the better, material things don't matter, it'll be okay, really.

  7. So, step outside of your shoes for a minute and become someone else. Look at yourself as a different person and find out the things that are making you feel the worst and solve them or remove yourself from them.






  9. wow.. i feel bad for you. but you shouldnt waste a life youre mother brought to thsi earth. god wants you to live otherwise you wouldnt be here. =]

  10. Life is a gift you should never want to die. Try something new in your life. 115pds for a 21 thats pretty good for your age. Think of the positive stuff. If your job sucks get a more interesting one. If you are lonely get an animal so it will keep you compeny. Or you could always get a hott boyfriend!: ]

    Just think positive hun

  11. Nicole, Things may never be what they seem but suicide is never the answer. This is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Surely you have a family that loves you dearly. Think about how something like this would affect them. Please seek help. Talk to someone. You are never alone. A car is just a materialistic thing that can be replaced. You can never be replaced.  

  12. Please don't. Look everyone has hard times, and your probably

    thinking that your whole life is hard...but things CAN turn around.

    Seriously. Do not kill yourself please! Go to therapy and/ or move

    somewhere. Trust me, if you move somewhere your hole life will turn

    around. Get new friends, a boyfriend, a nice job, but dont dont dont kill

    yourself. You will just cause most of your family and loved ones to live

    a horrible life. Its not the right choice.  

  13. STOP!!! Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Your life is your own making. If you sit around and feel sorry for yourself instead of getting help or just getting over it the you are your own worst enemy. You have more then most people.

  14. You're stronger than all that. Don't let the car thing bother you, or the boyfriend thing bother you. I have tried to kill myself, and I still feel depressed and all, but I keep going for the hope that something better will come my way. Your father is a horrid man, and you shouldn't end your own life because of his demented and sick ways. If you must seek the help of a "professional", but there's enough life lost in this world. One more is not wanted by anyone, not even yourself.

  15. u can talk to even more strangers at local support groups. it could help..u need to open the door for positive energy to grow.  

  16. Im not going to tell you to kill urself as that choice is urs alone to make but there are other options u can do to get revenge but im not going to say them because if I did I would get reported

  17. Nichole, Sorry to be blunt, but quit your whining.

    If you don't like the way your life is going, change it!

    The choice is yours.  Curl up and die, or take charge.  

  18. Please seek some professional help now.  there are people out there who would be able to help you.  21 is way to young to give up on your self.  Who cares how you did in school who cares what kind of car you drive.  Nobody knows better than I do that things are not what they seem .  People that everyone things are great are really the most evil people.  Just forget everyone but yourself and get some help

  19. Sweetheart, you need to go see someone. Your college should have a counselor who can help you with your issues. I know I don't know you, but I am really sorry those horrible things happened to you. I wish I could explain why things in this life happen like that, but I can't. You really need to go see someone. I wish I could be there to help you through this tough time. I will be praying for you!!!! Go talk to some one who is close to.  

  20. Take a deep breath and calm yourself. Your parents did not raise you just so you could kill yourself. Everyone has rough spots and you just need to ride over them. Go to somebody. A close friend or even a family member. Whatever you do please don't kill yourself!

  21. Yes, get some help. See a psychologist. No one can change how you feel but you. There are also worse things in life and there will also be people who have it worse off. Appreciate what you have and try to see the bright side of things.

    If you feel suicidal get help right away!

  22. First, you need to get the right kind of meds.  Then you should get a hold  of a good bible believing christian to show the correct path to God.  Think about what you're doing.  Get help.

  23. i know a bunch of people that have problems that bad AND worse. you need to get help, that's alll. this is what depression does to you. killing yourself is not the answer & you'd agree if you were in a happier state of mind. cheer up hun:)

  24. I think your problem is you are living only for the things you don't have at the moment instead of living for the moment.  Your desires guide your thinking and blind you from the truth that there is much more to life than to simply satisfy trivial worldly pleasures.  Know the truth and it shall set you free.  

  25. No please don't,  i don't have a clue who you are but i'm really upset after reading that, i just really don't think you should. Keep working, once you finish collage get a better pay job and by that time you will want a different car probebly! There are some nasty people in this world who steal, but don't worry! Things will get better soon x

  26. please dont do that

    trust me my life right now isnt that good

    my parents are getting divorced, the police came, im really sick, i have no money

    trust me suiciding.. is not the solution

    theres a lot in life to live to

    u never know who u will find in life

    or wat might happen...

    good things happen when u least expect it... u just have to wait...

    trust me they do

    u just have to believe good things will happen and then they will


    good luck with ur life...

  27. woo suicide is not the answer call 1800-394-hope and they will help you with these problems or issues or go to please don't kill your self it's not the answer try to join a lds church and talk to a bishop about it beside if you kill yourself you will go to h**l (no offense) but please i think your probable a beautiful girl that will accomplish many things please don't lose hope and call that number ok or go to that site and try to get a help coach.

  28. don't give up on life.  seek the lord, meaning can always be found with him.

    also remember it can always be worse.  always.  

  29. you need to talk to someone, life is always bad sometimes but to gets better after you go through the bad times life is worth living go out and have some fun with your life dont just sit there waitting to die. put down the knife and live

  30. that is a chickens way out.!! take life as it comes and remember, good things come to those who wait and life has its ups and downs.

  31. whatever you do dont give up on life life is beautiful yeah u go through some hard times but in the long run its all worth it , heck their are so many wealthy celebrities who when they were about your age had nothing but a little shack they called a home. if you are feeling depressed go get help or meds or someone to talk to. its all going to be ok soon enough.

    best of luck and god will help you
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