
I think I suffer from information overload. How can I prevent from getting overwhelmed in life?

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So many choices and decisions in life but I want to remain calm and not feel overwhelmed in life. Please be creative thanks!




  1. Be psychologically ready to die this very moment and you will start living anew with every passing moment.

    But do not forget dying again or else life will stop too!

  2. Dear a cup of joe,



  3. you should try talking to a counselor

  4. Try to simplify your life a little more. Instead of worrying about tomorrow, just tell yourself it will be a day and you will get through the day just fine.

    I really try to take one day at a time instead of looking ahead (I am in grad school and I know if I look too much at my calendar it's overwhelming....too many assignments!!)

    Take a deep breath and know that everything is going to be alright...somehow, somewhere. It will all work out just fine. You are resilient and strong, and you are capable of achieving your goals.

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