
I think I took too much Flonase nasal spray! Will I be OK?

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I think I took too much Flonase nasal spray. The normal dose is 2 sprays in each Nostril, once daily. Instead, I put 4 sprays in one nostril. I did this because I was running out of nasal spray in the bottle, and the sprays were not complete. So, I kept hitting the button to spray until a full and complete spray came out. It was about 4 to 5 depressions of the button. Do you think I will be OK?

I see literature on the net that says that it is difficult to OD on nasal spray, but I wanted to make sure.




  1. I use Flonase too, and I've done the same thing as you did for the end of the bottle. You'll be fine, nothing to worry about.

  2. don't worry you will be fine.

  3. It's just a steroid , they give you far larger dose of steroids , in shot and injections that are 50 times larger than that , when people have allergic reaction , so no worries .

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