I think that I tore a ligament to the side of my knee. I heard no 'popping' sound, just over time it became more and more sore, and the other day someone squeezed it and since it has been pretty painful. I went for a mile walk today, and the pain is starting to go away. I've been training hard all summer, and stretching properly, and I'm afraid if I take time out to heal, the hundreds of hours I invested will go to waste, because in this sport taking a week off can make all the difference.
Xc at my high school starts in 5 or so days, and I want to be able to compete at a very high level like I have in the past. This is my senior year, so I want to make the most out of it, however I don't want to injure myself trying to stay in shape and be out for the season.
What are some precautions I should take so that I will be able to compete this season. Also, should I go to a doctor, ect.? Also, should I stop running, or continue running and just take it a bit slower?