
I think I was taken. Is there any one who investigates the web for thiefs?

by Guest33414  |  earlier

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I brought some movies. The page looked ok but there is no phone numbers to call if there are problems. They do have an customer support email but I haven't gotton any replies.




  1. Um, If you seriously think you were robbed, then I would suggest the local police, altho it may be out of their hands because the internet is not a local thing, Im sure they can direct you to the right agency, who knows maybe several other people were robbed by the same site

  2. Had the same problem when I ordered ink over the internet.Gave my VISA card number over supposedly secure site. Was charged for the ink but never received it. No phone number, , only a place for order status queies which repeatedly told me the order had been shipped. No carrier or tracking number.

    Contacted VISA, but am out cost of ink. Did cancel the card and got a new one in case this was a phishing scam.

  3. Did you give a credit card??  It makes me wonder if you ordered via internet and gave your credit card out.   Lots of interent fraud out there, hopefully nobody racked up your credit card by now.

    Did you check on the status of your order?  There is scam busters for internet fraud.

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