
I think I will be buying a 97 Plymouth Breeze,can anyone tell me what I should keep a close eye on?

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  1. Wow.

    Not to dog the car, but they were terrible choices. I would make sure that it was checked out THOROUGHLY by a mechanic of your choice before I even considered purchasing one of those early-model Breezes.

    I wouldn't even consider owning the vehicle. There are much better choices out there.  

  2. I dont want to be negative, but I agree with Grande.  Breezes were not the most reliable thing out of the Chrysler factory.  Get a thorough, top to bottom, nose to tail, inside and out inspection before doing anything on the car.  It may cost you $100, but it might just save you thousands.

  3. Try out Driverside. It's still in beta but for each model it has cost of ownership, quality ratings, lists of similar cars, technical specs and links to other sites that will help you out with more data.  Also the pricing data by mileage will help you see how good the deal is.  This is not a highly rated car - so make sure the deal is really good to make this worthwhile!

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