
I think Ive messed up on my chapter 13?

by Guest58232  |  earlier

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Ok dont know if anyone will be able to help me on here or not figured Id ask anyway. I have missed a few chapter 13 payments, been out sick and Ive just been too depressed about it! I got a letter they are dismissing my chapter 13 and I was suposed to be in court yesterday but I missed it. Can I now convert to chapter 7? Or is it too late?




  1. If you BK13 has been dismissed, you will have to wait 6 months before you can file your Chapter 7.  

    But since you didn't qualify for a BK7 before, what makes you think you can get it this time?  What has changed in your finances?

    Where is your attorney in all of this?

  2. get yur atty to do it

  3. You can't just covert a chapter 13 to a chapter 7 unless you you have had a loss of income, meaning you paycheck had decrease, and not due to being out sick. It has to be a legitimate decrease, as in loss of job. The bk courts will dismiss the case. Instead of being on here your bankruptcy attorney, you can get it re-instated, but your attorney needs to do this, and they will charge you additonal fees to process the paperwork. If you don't do anything about it, the creditors will be calling and all secured debts will be after you for payements for the amount you owe them PLUS interest. Be prepared as well to pay for the deficiency about you are past due on the Chapter 13.

    You should be directly all your bankruptcy questions to your bankruptcy attorney, they are your attorney for the years you are in the Chapter 13 plan. This is what you paid them for!

  4. oooooooh you are in trouble. I know life gets tough but you can't just get depressed and conveniently forget your troubles. Chapter 13 was your last chance. You better get in touch with your debt resource person or whomever you deal with and shape up ASAP. You don't just convert to ch have to do the whole sha-bang over. Pick up the phone and quickly too.

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