
I think Jesus is coming No more than six months will start the tribulation . Are you ready ?

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i ve talking about it here , each day things are clearly .Our generation is seeing the prophecies being fulfilled ... The world is a very evil place right now , people are eviler each day as in Matthew is wrote that the evil will be multiplied ...otherwise no born again would survive ... Are you read ? Repent your sins and confess Jesus as your Savior ...




  1. I'm working on it

  2. ahahaha yeah and the first thing he is going to do is have a nice refreshing molson canadian and watch the hockey games start

  3. Do you remember the last time the world was mean't to end, and the time before that, and the time before that???  

    Looks like your gonna be helluva dissapointed dude!

  4. Yes I'm ready. I have my credit cards maxed out and I just bought 3 nre cars.  I can't wait for Jesus to get me out of this mess.

  5. Yeah go do that...*pats on head* Whatever you say.

    I'm gonna go drink an ale with my spirits and have a fun, happy, fulfilling life instead of worring about "what might happen".  

  6. I "know" Jesus is coming. And if perchance it is today, then the tribulation could start before the sun goes down. Yes, I am ready. You are speaking of the fulfillment of end time prophesy.

    Thanks for the post. It is always refreshing to see one who believes in God and is looking for Jesus to come.

  7. I am Jesus and here I am.  

  8. I agree that the unsaved should repent right now just in case it's all over in 6 months time and the prophecies look like it's time except for a few things.

    The gospel must be preached throughout the whole earth before the end comes.  However, this prophecy might not be actually fulfilled until the tribulation.  But since the trib will only be 7 years, how are they going to accomplish this task then?  Right now the Jesus film Project is working feverishly and the other Jesus films to reach people in India and many remote places of the earth where they don't have Bibles in their native language.  50% of the world is illiterate but the translators are doing their part also and working as fast as they can under dire circumstances.  The devil continues to put obstacles in the way of every one who is reaching out so it takes that much longer.  One other thing---a Bible scolar ( a former assistant pastor) told me the Kings palaces and domain in Iraq would be rebuilt so if that if so, I'd say at least another 20 years and that's how long the translators need at least.

  9. People have been claiming that prophesies are being fulfilled since the time Jesus was apparently around, the world is actually becoming a better place.  Maybe if you actually knew anything about history then you would see that rather than profess your insane ramblings.

    Matthew 24:36

  10. What s,

    Thank you for caring. Try Revelation 8:1 b

    We are in the time of silence for the space of half an hour, the calm before the storm.  It is coming to a close shortly.  Shortly according to God's definition. Seek God's face and His grace to live godly. Humble yourself before the LORD to keep clean hands and a pure heart.

    When I was praying once this year, the LORD showed me the rider on the red horse of Revelation in full battle charge.  

    As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man: for they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage and knoweth not that sudden destruction cometh upon them.

    Some will virtually bury their head in the sand because they do not want to believe the truth.  Others will prepare by humbling their hearts before God.  He will protect His own and bring them safely through trials. Psalm 78.

  11. People were always evil.  We just have access to more information nowadays.

    People will read anything they want into situations to suit their beliefs/needs.

  12. Eh, actually I think the world is a better place than, for example, when slavery was still legal.

  13. im a christian, but i know that its anti-biblical and unwise to try to predict teh end time . you have just enlisted to the never ending list of people claiming to know the day of the end, all of whom have been wrong thus far . welcome

  14. 6 months is a long time. ive us a sign when he is due in a day or two.

  15. If the end is 6 months away, can I have your stuff?

    Obviously, you won't need it. Send me an email, and I'll give you an address, and a Paypal account to send some money to.

  16. in the end you are going to be sooooo pissed off you wasted your life thinking the way you do!!!  

    eehh whatever floats your boat!

  17. jesus already came and went buddy. i have no fear for that for i put my faith in allah

  18. Jesus is already here... He returned to His generation SOON, SHORTLY and WITHOUT DELAY as He said He would.  He's here now in His fullness, reigning upon the throne of His kingdom invisible.  Song below called 2000 Years & Counting... makes people think about how long we can stretch out the imminent time statements in the Bible.  Also if you study history, you will understand that when Jerusalem was surrounded by armies, He returned shortly thereafter.  This occurred in about 70 AD during the Roman Jewish War.

  19. I think someone's been taking a litttle too many meds.


  20. And I've just finished decorating the lounge.

    you know what, you go ahead without me, I'll just finish up here and keep my pets company

    (fruit loop)

  21. LOL

    good luck with that

  22. oh yer totally,can't wait! The day he arives I'll start beliving he really exists!

  23. You should contact border patrol and stop that sorry little jesus from getting back across that mexican border again. Just kidding I don't mind mexicans I just hate imaginary friends.

  24. Insane is the first word that springs to mind...

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