
I think MJ said it alll here!

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u know man...i'm beginning 2 wonder if u've EVER seen jordan play! Kobe played against a tougher defence?? WTF????? Was JORDON not the 1 getting knocked 2 the ground every time he drove 2 the basket becasue he couldn't be stopped? i don't see Kobe getting shoved around to the ground, man.




  1. and people say kobe is arrogant?!?! i don't think i've ever heard kobe say he's the best player or he's better than anyone, have you? yes, on the court he seems arrogant, but he let's his game speak for itself.

    yes, jordan is better than kobe, i'm not afraid to admit that. even kobe knows that. he admitted that jordan is the best player to ever play the game. so stop hating on kobe because he never asked to be compared to jordan.

  2. wow jordan is still the man rite now, i think he would still dominate the NBA today.

  3. MJ was overrated!

    MJ vs Kobe one on one >


    Dude! MJ was "old"????...he pivoted and tried to do an up fake and got swatted! does'nt matter if he's 28 or 38 years old Kobe would have got that!..

    here want more? here>  Kobe dropped 30pts in limited minutes at 19 years old on his "hairless".....


    If you really think MJ could have been "MVP" then you are a Moron/Jordan Jocker...all the same!


    qb - Jordan almost averaged 40 pts?...ok he shot the ball 26 times a game!..he led the league in FG attempts a record nine times!!!!...Kobe can't win without Shaq?...he got to the Finals!..What did MJ ever do without Pippen?

    % seasons MJ played without Pippen those 5 seasons he had 5 losing records...missed the playoff's twice!..and went 1 - 10 in the playoff's..that's right 1 win and 10 losses!...

    please...take your basketball illiterate Jordan Jocking Mind elsewhere!..MJ was overrated to took him 7 years and a waterd down league to FINALLY "Learn how to win".....never won anything in the 80's against real teams>


    ESPN was Jordan Jocking?..**GASP** say it aint so!!!

    I guess you still believe MJ should have been an allstar in 02' also?.....even after the FAN'S and the COACHES Voted NOT to have MJ in the Allstar game!...ESPN and the media pressured Vince Carter to give up his spot so MJ could be an allstar and sell more shoes!....

    sorry but MJ was overrated...andshould have never been an allstar those 2 years.


    qb - Pippen is a top 50 alltime player!!..was he as Dominant as Shaq offensively? when MJ retired in 1994 Scottie Pippen led the Bulls to 55 wins(only a 2 game slip from the year before) and to the 2nd round. He was only the 2nd player in League HISTORY to lead his team in every statistical Catagory! (22pts 7rebs. 5 - 6ast??? off the top  of my head)..Pippen , Grant , and Armstrong were all allstars WITHOUT MJ! Pippen's 15 year career he only missed the playoff's once!(his last year when he played in only 15 games).....Pippen deserved some of those MVP's..he was a better allaround player and a better defender then Shaq!..he was the real reason the Bull's won!

    MJ never had a winning season without Pippen

    MJ never won a playoff series without Pippen

    MJ never made the alldefensive team without Pippen

    Kobe has done far better without another Top 50 player...then MJ ever did!....that's a fact.


    Hand checking?....that's your theory on better defense..If you played basketball (wich I doubt) you would know that it's easier to get to the rim against a stiff arm then a zone or a trap!..and MJ is at 49%FG Kobe is 45%..the league as a whole has dropped steadily since 1991.

    Kobe plays in the modern defensive era of traps, doubles, and zone defenses. From the year 2001, the NBA effectively legalized zone defensive, thus discouraging 1-on-1 play. Compare this to Michael Jordan's weaker era, where had to luxury of playing "iso" all game long. Kobe cannot even post up without getting doubled.

    Many people think zone's are weak defenses, that is because so many teams don't play it properly. While they may be weak against great passing teams with shooters, if played properly, zone defenses are great against dominant individuals (Kobe, Garnett, etc) that have a weak supporting cast. The whole world plays zone. Even in College basketball, the "purest" form of basketball, the teams play almost entirely zone defense. Around the world, other countries use zone all the time. And if you want to see its effectiveness, just look at the 2006 summer games.


    "he's still the BEST EVER!!! no1 was at his level..".. - you

    Bill Russell = 14 major basketball titles in 15 years!

    Wilt Chamberlain = 30ppg 22rbs 4 ast PER GAME for a career

    MAGIC Johnson - won 5 Titles in the Greatest Era ever(MJ could'nt win anything in the 80's)

    Larry Bird...BIG O.....Kareem...etc..

    You are a Jordan Jocking Moron!


    I'm BAAACK!....."getting knocked 2 the ground every time he drove 2 the basket becasue he couldn't be stopped? i don't see Kobe getting shoved around to the ground, man." - Jordan NEVER got "Knocked to the ground me one Video clip of anyone "Knocking Jordan down....IT DOES'NT EXIST!...because MJ was coddled by the ref's...if you looked at MJ wrong then a fouls was called on you!

    If anyone ever closelined MJ the way Kobe got closelined then David Stern would have kicked them outta the league!....Kobe has had to play against better's not like Craig Ehlo was gaurding him...or Byron admit it..YOU NEVER EVEN WATCHED MJ.....idiot.



    qb - "The only time MJ played without Pippen is when he first came out and his team sucked and he had sick individual numbers, and then when he was 40 and his team sucked. So what? kobe's never played on a s@#$t team, period." - YOU

    so let me get this straight..your saying MJ can't win unless he has great teamates? MJ does'nt really make his teamates better?...thank you , you proved my point!...and in Washington he played with RIP Hamilton , Larry Hughes and Jerry Stackhouse....and he could'nt even get above 500.

    Kobe has had s**+tty teams...remember Kwame?".....but Kobe still got above 500. and got to the playoff's and won more then 1 with Kwame could'nt do anything..AND MJ DRAFTED HIM!!!! are a Jordan Jocking Idiot!


  4. LMAO @ Great One ...... Over-Rated OWNED yo @zz....!!!!!

    qb ....why don't you go play with your Michael Jordan Doll you dipsh!t bring nothing to the table.

  5. kobe would of  said  the samething......

  6. It's great to see Mj...It was great to hear him share his philosophy on visualization. He is amazing....Kobe on the hand is just dumb

  7. he is telling the truth


  9. First Paul Pierce said he is better then Kobe.

    Now Jordan said he's better then Kobe.

    Maybe Sam Cassel will say he's better then Kobe next.

  10. Very nice. One averaged almost 40 in modern era, led league in steals, was league mvp and league defensive player year--same year in his prime. the other couldn't stop an annihilation  in the finals w hand check and all rule changes favoring offense and will never be close to the all around player mj was. in fact, he's probably not ever going to win without a better player (shaq in his prime) on his own team. its an insult to mj to even do that comparison. plus, he got his entire game (fadeaway etc) from the master.

    That was when jordan was 40playing for wizards! and he is still the only 40 year old player to score 50.

    Over Rated!:

    Pippen averaged 16 pts, 6 rebounds 5 assists career. Shaq was one of the most dominant players at center ever if not the most @ 25 pts and 12 rebounds a game, make that 30 when playing with kobe.

    Jordan got every finals mvp. kobe never got an mvp over shaq. jordan was by FAR the better player and the ONLY go to guy. the offense went through shaq in la.

    Shaq was THE dominant player with Kobe based on the stats and awards. similarly, Jordan was the dominant one with Pippen and only one with his head all the way up his a@@ would disagree with that . You are an idiot.

    The only time MJ played without Pippen is when he first came out and his team sucked and he had sick individual numbers, and then when he was 40 and his team sucked. So what?  kobe's never played on a s@#$t team, period. Armstrong and Grant? Please, they were just role players--take out grant and plug in rodman, take out bj and plug in harper. 3 rings with one crew and 3 rings with another. talk to me when kobe's 40 ok.


    Yeah, your back taking a break from having your head up your a@@.  I didn't say he needed great teammates to win or that he couldn't without them, i just stated a fact: his teammates sucked when jordan came out of college. EVERYONE knows bball is a 'team' sport but i don't think mj or anyone else can light the world on fire without some talent.

    First, don't bring in jordan as GM it has no more relevance here than Kobe being accused of rape in this convo: ie, playing ability.

    And your proof that Kobe had just as bad teammates in his career is that he 'had Kwame'? Are you F@#$ing kidding me? Jordan had Orlando Woolridge (22.9 ppg), Quintin Dailey (16 ppg), Dave Corzine (8.5 ppg) and Steve Johnson (10 ppg) in his rookie year in 84-85.  Other than Woolridge, no one on that team was even REMOTELY close to being an all star let alone a hall of famer.

    Now, let's compare your boy kobe's starting lineup out of high school his first year: (shaq: 26.2 and 12.5 rebounds; Eddie Jones 17.2, Nick Van Exel 15.3 and 8.5 assists, Elden Campbell 14.9 and 8 rebounds, Cedric Ceballos 10.8 and Horry coming off bench for 9.2 and 5.4 boards).

    Can you add and compare the numbers RET&!D?

    Yep Hall of Famer (and better player on his own team when Kobe was winning) shaq, probable hall of famer horry, all stars Eddie Jones (3 time) and Nick Van Exel (once during kobe's second yr), and Cedric Ceballos.  

    But you're right genius, Kobe had Kwame on his team so that means he's had as bad a teams as jordan to work with. Don't come in here w your BS if you can't back it w numbers. moral of the story is you can't turn s@#t into gold (like jordan's rookie teammates and your brain).


    And 'KING': trust me when i tell you no one cares about your c**p opinion.

  11. Kobe even said he's not Michael Jordan in an interview during the Finals. He said he doesnt want to go there.

    Michael is Michael. Kobe is Kobe

    And thats that !

    BTW. Michael is right.

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