
I think My eating disorder is getting out of hand?

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I don't know what to do anymore.

I gain weight on and off, for over 3 years now I have been struggling with bulimia and Anorexia nervosa, and it's really killing me. There will be someday where I will over eat and keep it down than feel like c**p, and wont eat for 2-3 days straight, than when I finally eat I purged it out by force. Ive gotten so good at it to the point I can make my self vomit, by just using pressure with my stomach (im sorry if this disturbs you)

I don't know how it started, but it doesn't help that I am going through a lot with depression, I live on my own and my 18th birthday is in 12 days, and I feel I have nothing to show for it. I work and all, but I never had a chance to finish high school. my stress and depression make me feel very unattractive and sometimes I break down and cry, because I'm not happy with myself, or how I look.

Its a lot of mixed things, I cant stop it, and when i try to I get scared.

I even feel like crud after eating small meal, it's gotton som bad where Im scared to drink water.......

I apologize if some people say I have no life or I am complaining, but an eating disorder isn't an easy thing to deal with.....




  1. You are to be congratulated at recognizing that you HAVE an eating disorder, as many people deny it.

    Breaking it will be hard, but you can do it with help. Please see a doctor and then have him refer you to an eating disorder clinic. There you will have the perfect diet and learn by practice how to eat properly.

    I wish you the very best!

  2. I'm really sorry to hear about this.

    Having had an eating disorder myself when I was younger, I understand, it's tough.

    You're not 'complaining'- sometimes it's good to offload how you feel to others. Have you tried counselling? It really helps. Maybe talk to a trusted relative about this, because you don't need to suffer in silence.

    I'm not sure what else to say but...I hope you recover from this eating disorder. If you need any support feel free to email me.

  3. i feel so sorry for you and know what your going through as last year i battled with bulimia! its so hard to break the chain, but finally when i saw my appearance changing dramatically i changed my perspective on things!

    first of all you need to get yourself living back home so someone can look after you, also see your doctor so he can refer you to a psychiatrist as its in your head!

    you need to understand you are killing yourself! it is a form of suicide!

    look into your families eyes and see you leaving them behind!

    if you eat properly you wont gain weight! cut out meat(that's what i did)

    i healthy and only gain 1/2 stone,

    good luck, and hope ive helped! x

  4. My dearest Yahooer, I really recommend you speak with a professional about your problems. This is not about food anymore - this is about your life.

    I have had addictions before and I know how hard it can be to talk to someone, but I know you want help or your wouldn't have posted this question. You have been strong enough to tell us, now please tell someone who can help you.

    Go for it!! Get help.

  5. Sweetie it sounds like you're going through a very tough time and what you're dealing with isn't easy.  I wish I could help you.  Maybe their is a group in your area that you could join.  You need to be with people that are suffering from  the same problem, that understand what you have and are going through.  Many of the hospitals have or will know of something in your area.  Check with them.

    I hope you get the help you need and deserve.  You've got a great life ahead of you once you get things under control.  It's great knowing that YOU control your life.

  6. You need to see a doctor who can send you to a rehabilitation clinic where you'll be able to get the help you need. You've taken the first step by admitting that you need help, now you have to make the leap and get the help. The biggest part of overcoming an ED is getting into the mindset where you're ready to do so and you really seem like you want to, so you need to try, otherwise you'll face an early death. Make an appointment with your doctor now, and get the help you need. I really hope you get better.

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