
I think Sarah Palin is just as prepared for the job as career politician Biden, don't you?

by Guest67182  |  earlier

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She symbolizes the new Reform movement and cleaning up the corrupt, arrogant beltway politicians. They took us right up to the edge of the cliff. She is a symbol of hope for change. Chaning the lobbyists, career politicians and crazy spending and debt. Not to mention the failure to act on our obvious energy emergency. We are living on the ragged edge because of the beltway boys. Sarah is a welcome breath of fresh air. Go Sarah Palin! It is wonderful. Congrats to the old Maverick for this move. This trumps Biden ten-fold. Brilliant move!




  1. I think she's every bit as prepared as Dan Quayle was, and even prettier.

    And the Original Maverick is Brad Davis...Go Mavs!

  2. Just as in your screen name and your avatar, it is evident that you remain clueless...  

  3. No, she has about as much experience as Grimace from McDonalds:

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