
I think Sidney Crosby is so overrated after every whistle they have to say something about Crosby.Your opinion

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I think Sidney Crosby is so overrated after every whistle they have to say something about Crosby.Your opinion




  1. Sidney Crosby is the best!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You can Go {uck Your mom He will Bring NHL back to dominance Crosby is not overated at all compared to Lebron,Peyton,Earnhart,Tomlinson,and Tiger.

    The pens will win the cup 5+ times in his time there

    Go pens Detroit sucks

  3. it was so annoying. All I saw was his face on the screen all night long. and if it wasn't his face it was some comment about him. It was like it was all about Crosby last night. urg. They MAKE ME dislike him.

    I couldn't believe when Malkin scored and they praised Crosby for his pass!! come on.

    I also think the captain of the team shouldn't be throwing a temper tantrum like he did last night.

  4. yeah... so so overated..I wanted to throw up everytime they talked about him...

  5. Crosby is a great player, but he is NOT the best player in hockey. I am not sure if he is the best player on his team since I think Malkin was a little better this season. Though I agree that he is overrated, do not underestimate him, remember that he led the league in scoring last year. People forget that Crosby was hurt a chunk of this season and that REALLY slowed him down. Though I must say that I still feel that Ovechkin was better this season then Crosby last season.

  6. We have a Drinking game where when watching a Pitt game you take a Shot every time Crosby is mentioned ( out side of the play by play stuff) and people are passed out by the 2nd period.

  7. I never have been a fan of Crosby, but that is because of how the NHL has marketed only HIM and that Ovechkin guy.  I gained a new respect of his talents after seeing him in the Finals, BUT.... I lost respect for every other aspect of his game with his incessant complaining.  I don't care who you are, a 20-year old should not be doing this.

    Anyways in answer to your question... I don't think Crosby is as much overrated as he is overmarketed.  He is a great player, but they are making him out to be way more than he is.  There is no doubt if he stays healthy he will be a Hall of Famer, but let him earn the praise before you give it to him.  He was given the praise and glory before he played his first game.  But this unfortunately will be the norm for many years.  He has been given the "Saviour" tag by the NHL, which I think is kind of unfair to him.  This is also not fair to any of the other teams and fans out there.  Red Wing fans wanted to hear about their team and how good their team was, but all they heard after the first two games of the series was how Crosby wasn't scoring and what the Pens need to do to win.  I'm pretty sure if the Pens had the 2-0 lead, they would be talking about how dominant the Pens were, not about what the Wings need to do.  Maybe they would throw a choke comment out there though.  The problem is that Network TV likes to have human interest stories.  The story of the young Pens was a good one and they rolled with it.  But its time they focused on the game only.

    I'd also like to say, being from West Michigan, I wish we could get CBC.  After seeing the post game celebration on you tube from CBC's coverage, it just shows how much American TV networks really don't get it.  As a fan I want to see my team celebrate on the ice and in the lockerroom.  I want player interviews, I want to see the players carry the Cup.  NBC didn't even stick around enough to see the team picture... even ESPN did that.  I'm also disappointed that Fox Sports Detroit didn't pick up the lockerroom celebration after the game... instead they showed a replay of the shalacking the Tigers took that afternoon.  Sorry, I went off on a tangent, but I had to mention that.

  8. First of all, Crosby cannot be called overrated for all that he had accomplished. Won league scoring race at age 19, the youngest ever to do so; Won Hart Trophy as MVP chosen by hockey writers and won Lester B. Pearson Award as MVP chosen by his fellow NHL players; youngest player to be named captain of his team; lead the Penguins to the Cup Finals in just his third year... should I go on?

    Secondly, the reason they talk about him after evrey whistle is because he makes a good play on every shift. He is able to read the play and anticipate what will happen. He creates a scoring chance on every shift or stop an opportunity for the other team. That's why they talk about him after every whistle, because he;s the best player out there every game.

  9. ooooh i agree he is overrated and im so glad they lost

  10. Sidney Crosby IS NOT overrated.

    Have you SEEN his records?

    Have you SEEN him play?

    He finished tied for first for points in the playoffs.

  11. That is true, even when he's on the bench, they still talk about him. Or the pass he gave to Malkin for the goal, the announcers were like "OMG what a beautiful pass by CROSBY!!!" There was an empty lane, anyone can see and do that, then when Malkin scores, they still talk about Crosby's pass and not Malkin's shot.

  12. Preach on brother...............preach on!!!!

    The comments after every whistle were beyond sick.  If they hated the Wings so much, how about commenting on Fleury's 55 saves, or the guy coming back with a blown out beak.

    As far as overrated, thats a tough one.  I have no doubt he has the talent to be one of the leagues best, but to give him that credit when he can't even grow a man style mustache, might be a bit too soon.

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