
I think abortion is cruel and devilish! what do u think??

by  |  earlier

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i think women who dont want to have children, shouldnt be having s*x! then it'll save them 400 dollars and gas....and if u think its "wrong" of me to say that and i shouldnt judge, well i dont care its my opinion and i have the right to speak just like u. and for u to say my mother should have had an abortion with me "tisk tisk" to u. my mother wanted children. and that never came across her mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. I think that most women who have abortions aren't doing it because they are cruel or devilish.  They are doing it because they are desperate and feel they have no other choice.  If you really think it is so wrong and you feel that strongly against it, then, instead of just being judgemental,  why don't you volunteer your time to some organizations that can help educate women about their alternatives?  Try to work on some programs to provide child care to single mothers.  Put together some support groups for pregnant women who are scared and afraid.  What do you think about that?

  2. Wow what a politically heated question.

    I think it is a little hard for us to make a judgemental reply to a question like this where like you we have been TTC #1 for a while.

    I am guessing since you are on Clomid that you have been TTC for over 12 months.

    You have to think about the circumstances that the ladies are in when they go in for this procedure.

    While my husband and I have been TTC for many years if I was raped and fell pregnant I would most likely have an abortion.

    If they are just careless and stupid and fall preg willy nilly then something should be done but every situation is different and I am sure that this is something that is undertaken with great heartfelt thought.

  3. you have the right to have that believe,

    the most common reason for a women to have abortion is based on medical grounds.

    i know if i was ever raped i would not think twice i would have abortion.

    most women go through h**l if they have to have abortion, it is not a easy to choice, to make.

    i hope you will never have to make that choice.

    go and do some research and open up your mind and heart before you say same thing you know nothing about.

  4. why would you ask such a stupid question

  5. i do agree the only thing i do agree on with them is if a young child gets raped and falls pregnant or if their is a serious problem i don't agree on unprotected s*x when people think if they fall pregnant they will get rid of it because that is being cruel when the child didn't asked to be brought here

  6. i agree. if your big enough to lay down and have s*x your big enough to handle what comes along with it.. that is what s*x is for! these girls out there having s*x for a hobby are poor excuses for women.

  7. I agree with lilygirl...I was gonna say the exact same thing

  8. this is very upsetting! have you ever been in that situation? yeah your entitled to your opinion just as well as they are in titled to there decision to get the abortion! who are you honestly or any1 else for that issue to be your problem you don't have to live with the decision of any1 else so why do you care about what they do with there fetus or body.**** OFF

  9. Abortion is NOT cruel and devilish. I don't agree with the girl above me. You don't know the woman or her situation.She did not have to keep her pants up. Anyway, s*x is NOT just for baby making married or not !! Its apart of human nature to have s*x, you just need to be more careful(i.e. condoms, the pill) A man can go around happy go lucky and free of responsibility while she has to suffer with a big belly, not fair or equal. A woman has as  much right of a man to decide whether or not she wants to take on the responsibility of a kid. Nowadays men make that an option to leave. Also, everyone does not want to put them up for adoption. If I was that far along I would just keep him or her because adoption is not the best place to be. Not a lot of people want 9 and 10 year old kid, they want infants. It is so hard for children to find good loving parents. I think that some kids get good parents others don't and end up emotionally damaged because of going from foster house to foster house.

  10. its horrible and should be banned .

    the only way a unborn child should be aborted is if the parent was raped or has medical condition so yea

  11. Well, that's everyone's perspective. I'm a conservative one when it mentions about abortion. Spiritually, it's prohibited and a great sin. But medically, it's allowed as long as it's a legal marriage. I know it's ironic.

    Government itself traps themselves in those policies. Abortion is a crime, but on other hand they advertise and allow the distribution of abortion pills for marriage couples who won't want more kids anymore.

  12. its definitely cruel. it's not right to take a life that u didn give in d first place

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