
I think affirmative action is still required. What do you think?

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I haven't seen any improvement in the way we are treated. We're still salves to the white establishmend.




  1. I agree racism is alive and well up here in west Michigan I can tell you. We stripped Africa Americans of their culture and were not able to evolve along side of the white people. I think once the fading generations have past and the computer generations come up we can heal from our fears of those different.  

  2. Yes, and white people will think much higher of black people when they see them being forcefully promoted over them because of laws. Respect is earned, not created by legislation. I think half the reason racism is still around is because such a large number of black people walk around with their pants at their ankles all day livin' off da welfare instead of trying to better themselves.

  3. I think it should be banned because I hate working in places where affirmative action is the rule.  They end up hiring the crapiest workers just so they can get their quota for the tax break.  This makes it harder for employers to pay more because the cost per man hour goes up.  Now the good workers are getting screwed over.  

    This doesn't make me racist because there are a lot of non-whites I have liked to work with but that was because they were good workers and it made your work load easier.  

  4. As long as blacks continue to perform poorly on standardized tests, they will need Affirmative Action to get accepted to Universities and get jobs.

  5. Stop trolling.You are just another white republican with a black avatar.

  6. If you're qualified for a job or a school, you'll get said job or into said school. Your spelling tells me that you have dealt with quite a bit of rejection in those areas, which explains why you have chosen to blame the "big bad white man".

    Racism, especially institutionalized racism, has no place in modern society regardless of who is on the receiving end.

  7. you should get 40 acres and a mule too.....

  8. If you are a slave to the white establishment you have only yourself to blame.  If you have a problem with white people you may want to remedy that and leave the country.  You have had over 40 years of preferential treatment and yet the black community seems to be going backwards and dragging our youth with it.  But along with affirmative action the liberals have also been growing their government slave population.  See the parallel?    Look in the mirror for your answers, they have been there all along.  

  9. Personally, I've never owned any slaves so I don't know why I, as a white woman, should suffer when I have high standardized test scores and am expected to earn whatever I get in this world. I respect others and I expect the same in return.  

  10. OK

  11. Just do your very best. Excellence is its own reward, as it will be for those who choose to hire you.

  12. "Affirmative action" is another. more politically correct way of saying "racism".  It's wrong one way and every other way.

  13. It should be removed right now.

  14. The black community is hurt by Affirmative Action almost as much as the whites. You people as a group will never improve until you earn things for yourselves. Getting a job or scholarship because you are black doesn't give you any incentive to work harder and become the best person for the job. Handouts lower peoples drive to succeed.

  15. Affirmation action is a way to keep minorities down.

    anyone who is for affirmative action is a racist.

    If you think you are a slave, you are.  If you don't think you are a slave, you aren't.  It is ALL up to you to determine who you are.

    Being a victim keeps you a victim.

    The Racist Obama is an example of a person who wants to keep blacks down.

  16. I think it's time for it to end.

  17. I believe in MLK's message.  I also believe that most have forgotten what MLK stood for.  He stood for a Nation where the color of a persons skin did not matter. He stood for Equality of Ethnicity and that a person was judged by his works "merit".  

    As long as you have a system that says that I will employ one over another regardless of merit "qualifications", then there are going to be hard feelings and those hard feelings are going to come out as       .  The way I see it now our system is set up to perpetuate        within our Nation.  Only when we become a nation that is truly colorblind and judges its citizens based on the merit " works either good or evil" regardless of color, then and only then after time will we be able to get rid of the ignorant racist attitudes that we see today.  

    P.S.  I do believe that we have made great strides over the years and to let yourself become a slave to the white man is a choice made early on.  If you can't get over what has been done in the past, if you decide that the U. S. entitlement programs are owed to you then of course you will remain a slave to the system, but you can opt out of that system and through your own good works, through your own sweat and tears, through your own Successes and Failure's you can truly become your own Free Man and succeed in this society.

  18. I think affirmative action violates the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. If you think that has not been ANY IMPROVEMENT in the way blacks have been "treated" in this country, your eyes are closed.

  19. um I think whites need affirmative a minority in my state hispanics/blacks get jobs I dont..cuz im white

  20. Affirmative Action is ludicrous.  Groups are not supposed to have rights, individuals are.

  21. I think it is a political sham.  If you really stop and think about what it is really saying is that a particular group (or groups) are not as capable as are others.  What a crock.  A law that by judicial edict is saying, "you are so dumb or incapable that you can't succeed without government help."  There, friends, is how liberals really see the poor and minorities.  Now then, that is either accurate, and the liberals really believe that, or it is a put up job from the start designed to fool the gullible and make them subservient to the liberal politicians.  Those are the only possible explanations, so which is it?

  22. But it seems you've broken free of the slavery of spelling conventions. A great leap backwards! Congratulations.

  23. I've seen many people enslave themselves.  In my humble opinion, this happens amongst all races.

    On a side note:

    We all have had people pass judgment on us.  I suggest ignoring cruel people like this and moving on with our lives.  There is a lot of opportunity out there.  If you experience one judgmental person, it doesn't mean the next person is going to be that way.  Let's not use this as an excuse to cripple ourselves and our real potential.

  24. Affirmative action has been,and will always be discrimination. Any time a person is advanced because of his,or her race it is discrimination no matter what race they are. It is time to end affirmative action.

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