
I think am preg and the the father does not want it?

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I think am preg and i told my boyfriend he told me to get rid of it. He said that he hates it and i have to pick between and and the baby.What should ido ?




  1. Get rid of the idiot and find out if you are pregnant. You can speak to your GP about your options and (s)he will be able to give you more onfo. Would you want this baby if the father was happy about your pregancy?

  2. I would go to the doctor, or get a pregnancy test to make sure you are pregnant.

    Also why doesn't the father want the baby?

    It might be perhaps because he doesn't love you.

    Or it's too soon in the relationship.

    If you are young, I would recommend adoption, or asking your parents or a trusted adult  for help.

  3. Like everyone else said, dump the bf. If he's making you choose between him or your own child, then he's not worth keeping. If he really loved you, he would never ask you to make that kind of decision.

    If you don't want the baby, either, give it up for adoption. You will never regret giving birth to your baby whether you keep it or not. But should you have an abortion, it will most likely haunt you for the rest of your life. I'll be praying for you and I hope you will decide according to God's will for you and not your boyfriend's will.

    Good Luck!

  4. Dump the jerk.

    Get a pregnancy test.

  5. First find out if your are pregnant then go from there. If you are pregnant hopefully you have a support system.

    If you aren't pregnant i would advice dumping this man. You know how he is now if you did get pregnant. No innocent child deserves this type of guy for a daddy.

  6. PICK THE BABY! no matter how hard it is to let him go pick that little creation inside of you. maybe he will come around. good luck girl.

  7. Well, first I would leave your boyfriend, regardless of what you decide to do it you are pregnant. He obviously doesn't truly care about you. Any guy that asks you to choose between a baby and him, is a baby himself. About the baby, only you can decide that. Nobody can tell you what to do about a pregnancy. I myself don't believe in abortion, if my mother did, I wouldn't be here, and if I did my oldest daughter woudn't be here. You have to figure this one out yourself, and if you aren't pregnant and don't want a baby either stop having s*x or use better protection.

  8. heya i just found out im pregnant and the dad doesn't want to no the baby at all he said he mite pay if I'm lucky and that i decide I'm keepin the baby i mite be 17 but i no this is wot i want its wot u want ur option no1 elses good luck x

  9. I would check to make sure you are pregnant first. And also remember that guys get scared off when they hear their girlfriend is pregnant. If it is a false alarm then you need to be sure that he is the one for you as if it ever was to happen and that was his reaction he truly needs to grow up. If it turns out you are pregnant then if you love him don't let him tell you what to do. It is your body and it is up to you. If he wants no part in it and you want to keep the baby then let him go as he is not ready. Whatever happens good luck and god bless  :)

  10. well. a baby dosent ask to come to this world, all i can say your bf is a jerk, for saying that,  he needs to man up and take responsibility,  all i can say please dont terminate the preg. you have a innocent life growing inside of you, and dosent deserve to suffer,...

  11. Hey I know you are scared right now but take a deep breath and take one step at a time!

    First go get a test. If it turns out your  NOT then that’s one load off your shoulders.

    Secondly your bf sounds like he cares only for him self. You deserve better! You can find a crisis pregnancy center to give you a free test. If you find out you are pregnant they can help you with your next steps. You would go see a doc first to get you and the baby checked out. Then you need to sit down and search your heart as to what you want to do. There is plenty of support for pregnant women out there. You can get help ever step of the way, so you don't need your bf. You can be a wonderful mom to your child! OR you could chose adoption. I did when I was pregnant and not ready to parent. I felt it was better for her. (Angel) I still talk to her and her family through pics and letters. I need to see that her life is what they said it would be. It's better then I could of ever imagined. Angel sends me tapes and art work, she says I am her best friend she knows what happened. She is now 7 but we take little steps every year until she is ready to meet again. Her parents love and appreciate me more than words could ever describe. I work at a my parents crisis pregnancy center. I help girls like you all the time with housing, food, clothes, furniture what they need to parent. OR I help them search for a family that would love to adopt a child. I help the girls to find couples that are most like them, couples that would raise the child how she wants it to be raised (with in reason). I help them come to a choice of  parenting OR an open adoption or closed. We have MANY awesome couples wishing for a child to be in their lives!  The sky is the limit with YOUR choices! The thing I love about adoption the most is every one wins! You win cause you can move on continue school, work, relationships, what ever it is that you would say you don't want a baby right now cause of ______ you can still have it. You bless a couple in a way no one else on this earth can! You bless your self cause you did a wonderful thing for your child, you and someone else! Great karma. I love parenting cause it is a blessing like no other in the world. You work her to a better you and provide a great life for your child. You grow in so many ways, your a proud parent to a wonderful person just like you! You have great options besides abortion! Abortion... you lose... the baby loses, the parents that go to bed every night praying for your child to be theirs looses, ... and you feel pain for it and guilt forever. You always wonder what IF. I love the FACT that my little Angel loves me and I can know who she is. I have more children now that I am married. My three children love her and she loves them they send presents back and forth all the time.

    I know this is very long. I just wanted to give you a lot to think about. It is not an easy choice they all have huge effects. If you are not pregnant maybe reading this will help you to refrain from taking chances in the future. Protect your self. If you must sleep with a man, please make sure you know how he will feel if you guys do become pregnant. There are so many lives that are effected. So take time to use protections. If he is to selfish to not use anything then he does not really care for you.

    Best wishes to you. If you are pregnant and need help feel free to email me!

    Good luck!

  12. ya right dump him.. useless.

    by the way you should talk to your parents if they are willing to take care of your child n check with yourself are you able to take care of your child without a father? if you can then by all means keep it. if you cant keep the pregnancy , there's  a lot of people waiting for a child to be adopted.

    its like your helping yourself , the child n the infertility couples/

    choose wisely...

  13. Defend the innocent. It is what people with integrity and noble bearing do. You may want to distant yourself from your man though. Some men get irate when these decisions are made that affect them. Don't tell him in a private venue. Do it in a public environment so he is forced to be civil.

  14. Everybody's right, firstly get the pregnancy confirmed. If it is positive, you've said much about how you're boyfriend feels but nothing about how you feel. He doesn't sound reliable but the fact that you put so much value on what he says means that you are obviously smitten with him or can't see a way forward without him in your life.

    However, if you are pregnant it's not just about him. Seek guidance away from him - family, friends, professional. Think what you can cope with, but don't be tempted to factor him into the equation. You need to decide on the basis of him not being there.

    Get tested, get advice & think hard & realistically.

  15. Take a test to find out if you actually are pregnant for starters.

    Then if you are, talk to your mum, another family member or your friends because a bunch of strangers on an internet site are not the people who should be influencing a major decision about pregnancy, abortion & whether or not your relationship has a future.

  16. break up with him, get an abortion and get an education.

  17. You pick your baby and definately not your s**+thead of a boyfriend, I cant believe you had to ask us who you should choose

  18. bye bye boyfriend.  then you should go to a doctor and have a preg test, if you are pregnant, find a counselor to help you get ready to be a single mother, or to help you deal with the eventual seperation when you give the child up for adoption.  if you are not pregnant, stay away from the boyfriend because he should not give you an ultimatum to get rid of a life that he helped to create or lose him...   really losing him is not a loss, it is a blessing

  19. choose your baby not that ***hole. You deserve better. Don't follow the advice of the person that said get an abortion...there are too many people out there that want to adopt...that is if you don't want the baby.

  20. If it was me I would probably keep the baby as it is more special than any old guy who HATES it... It depends though if you don't think you're ready or you don't want the baby. Do what Y>O<U want to do...x But for the boyfriend I would =[ DUMP HIM whether you keep the baby or not...x Hope that helps. =]

  21. This can happen to anyone! Do not beat yourself up.

    It might be an idea to have a pregnancy test. Your doctor can do it for free or you can pop into your local chemist. If you are embarrassed pick one up in a shop that you rarely go to maybe one in another town.

    If you discover that you are pregnant then it might be an idea to see a counsellor because you are about to make the biggest choice of your life and you may want unbiased and confidential support.

    Do you have a local drop in centre for young people?They often have counsellors or your doctor may have a counsellor attached to the surgery.

    You do not say how old you are but you sound frightened and if you think your parents will be supportive or at least reasonable it might help to tell them. Only you can know if its safe to do this.

    It pretty much sounds to me like you are in this on your own as your partner sounds very unhelpful and manipulative.

    This is a horrible situation for any woman and I wish you lots of luck with your choices.

  22. I think you should do what you think is best but bear in mind what your boyfriend has said and question his love for you before you make and rash decisions.

  23. dont worry  about wot he wonts think about yourself having a baby ain't easy its alot of hard work especially if you are doing it on your own but can be lovely to think about it before you make any decision about the abortion you need alot of support after its not easy there are alot of couples out there  who cant have children so adoption would be a good idea if that's wot you wont in future use protection if you are not in a proper relationship good luck chick PS go doctors and get tested or do home test

  24. Get a pregnancy test, have a good cry (regardless of the results) and if it is positive call a pregnancy hotline in your country to discuss your options. You must be very scared.

    Adoption can be a very positive option for you and your baby.

    Kick the boyfriend to the curb, he is treating this like it's all your doing! J-E-R-K! Even if you're not pregnant, this is a great flashing sign to dump him and move on.

  25. First, find out if you are really pregnant. Take a home pregnancy test(First Response is a good one) or go to Planned Parenthood/a doctor and have a blood test done. Then, the decision is up to you. Your bf does not sound like such a good man; he does not seem to care about what you want and how you are feeling.  You should consider breaking up with him, hes causing you pain and that's not the way love is supposed to be.

    No one can tell you what  to do with the baby; you have to do what's right for you. If you think  its wrong to have an abortion and you will be able to give your baby a good life with or without a supportive father, than go for it. If you absolutely can not take care of this child and believe it will suffer due to poverty, neglect, unwanted, its father, etc then it is in the best interest to have an abortion or give the baby up for adoption...but only you, not your bf (hes already disowned the baby) can decide. Good luck.

  26. Its all about what You want to do! If you are pregnant and do decide to keep the baby then you should just get rid of this boyfriend, and even if you arent pregnant/ if you decide to even get an abortion or whatever then get rid of him. he couldn't support you when it's clear that you need him to be there for him. Good luck sweetie

  27. Well your going to have baby now, this is simple. Dump the a**hole, have the baby and TAKE CARE OF HIM/HER. Simple as that, and stay away from men, you choose some real dirt bags. Focus on the child...

  28. hun dont worry he'll get over it and once he see's the little beautiful face he'll fall in love with it tahts my advice

  29. Since you put this question in the adoption category, I hope that means you are seriously considering this as an option.

    It doesn't sound like you are ready to be a single mom, and you obviously don't have the support of the father, so the best thing you could do for this child is to allow him/her to be raised by others who would be willing and able to give him/her a good home.

    Then, I suggest you dump this cruel loser and avoid having unprotected s*x so that this doesn't happen to you again.

  30. Blood is thicker than water...C-ya, dumbass.

    Oh, and babies aren't "its", they're human beings.

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